
type byTimestamp

// functions necessary to implement the sort interface on the Events struct
func (e byTimestamp) Len() int {}

func (e byTimestamp) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (e byTimestamp) Less(i, j int) bool {}

type EventChannel

type Request

type EventManager

type events

type watch

func NewEventChannel(watchID int) *EventChannel {}

type StoragePolicy

func DefaultStoragePolicy() StoragePolicy {}

// returns a pointer to an initialized Events object.
func NewEventManager(storagePolicy StoragePolicy) EventManager {}

// returns a pointer to an initialized Request object
func NewRequest() *Request {}

// returns a pointer to an initialized watch object
func newWatch(request *Request, eventChannel *EventChannel) *watch {}

func (ch *EventChannel) GetChannel() chan *info.Event {}

func (ch *EventChannel) GetWatchId() int {}

// sorts and returns up to the last MaxEventsReturned chronological elements
func getMaxEventsReturned(request *Request, eSlice []*info.Event) []*info.Event {}

// If the request wants all subcontainers, this returns if the request's
// container path is a prefix of the event container path.  Otherwise,
// it checks that the container paths of the event and request are
// equivalent
func isSubcontainer(request *Request, event *info.Event) bool {}

// determines if an event occurs within the time set in the request object and is the right type
func checkIfEventSatisfiesRequest(request *Request, event *info.Event) bool {}

// method of Events object that screens Event objects found in the eventStore
// attribute and if they fit the parameters passed by the Request object,
// adds it to a slice of *Event objects that is returned. If both MaxEventsReturned
// and StartTime/EndTime are specified in the request object, then only
// up to the most recent MaxEventsReturned events in that time range are returned.
func (e *events) GetEvents(request *Request) ([]*info.Event, error) {}

// method of Events object that maintains an *Event channel passed by the user.
// When an event is added by AddEvents that satisfies the parameters in the passed
// Request object it is fed to the channel. The StartTime and EndTime of the watch
// request should be uninitialized because the purpose is to watch indefinitely
// for events that will happen in the future
func (e *events) WatchEvents(request *Request) (*EventChannel, error) {}

// helper function to update the event manager's eventStore
func (e *events) updateEventStore(event *info.Event) {}

func (e *events) findValidWatchers(event *info.Event) []*watch {}

// method of Events object that adds the argument Event object to the
// eventStore. It also feeds the event to a set of watch channels
// held by the manager if it satisfies the request keys of the channels
func (e *events) AddEvent(event *info.Event) error {}

// Removes a watch instance from the EventManager's watchers map
func (e *events) StopWatch(watchID int) {}