
var enableLoadReader

var HousekeepingInterval

var cgroupMemoryPathRegExp

var cgroupCPUPathRegExp

type containerInfo

type containerData

// jitter returns a time.Duration between duration and duration + maxFactor * duration,
// to allow clients to avoid converging on periodic behavior.  If maxFactor is 0.0, a
// suggested default value will be chosen.
func jitter(duration time.Duration, maxFactor float64) time.Duration {}

func (cd *containerData) Start() error {}

func (cd *containerData) Stop() error {}

func (cd *containerData) allowErrorLogging() bool {}

// OnDemandHousekeeping performs housekeeping on the container and blocks until it has completed.
// It is designed to be used in conjunction with periodic housekeeping, and will cause the timer for
// periodic housekeeping to reset.  This should be used sparingly, as calling OnDemandHousekeeping frequently
// can have serious performance costs.
func (cd *containerData) OnDemandHousekeeping(maxAge time.Duration) {}

// notifyOnDemand notifies all calls to OnDemandHousekeeping that housekeeping is finished
func (cd *containerData) notifyOnDemand() {}

func (cd *containerData) GetInfo(shouldUpdateSubcontainers bool) (*containerInfo, error) {}

func (cd *containerData) DerivedStats() (v2.DerivedStats, error) {}

func (cd *containerData) getCgroupPath(cgroups string) string {}

// Returns contents of a file inside the container root.
// Takes in a path relative to container root.
func (cd *containerData) ReadFile(filepath string, inHostNamespace bool) ([]byte, error) {}

// Return output for ps command in host /proc with specified format
func (cd *containerData) getPsOutput(inHostNamespace bool, format string) ([]byte, error) {}

// Get pids of processes in this container.
// A slightly lighterweight call than GetProcessList if other details are not required.
func (cd *containerData) getContainerPids(inHostNamespace bool) ([]string, error) {}

func (cd *containerData) GetProcessList(cadvisorContainer string, inHostNamespace bool) ([]v2.ProcessInfo, error) {}

func (cd *containerData) parseProcessList(cadvisorContainer string, inHostNamespace bool, out []byte) ([]v2.ProcessInfo, error) {}

func (cd *containerData) isRoot() bool {}

func (cd *containerData) parsePsLine(line, cadvisorContainer string, inHostNamespace bool) (*v2.ProcessInfo, error) {}

func newContainerData(containerName string, memoryCache *memory.InMemoryCache, handler container.ContainerHandler, logUsage bool, collectorManager collector.CollectorManager, maxHousekeepingInterval time.Duration, allowDynamicHousekeeping bool, clock clock.Clock) (*containerData, error) {}

// Determine when the next housekeeping should occur.
func (cd *containerData) nextHousekeepingInterval() time.Duration {}

// TODO(vmarmol): Implement stats collecting as a custom collector.
func (cd *containerData) housekeeping() {}

func (cd *containerData) housekeepingTick(timer <-chan time.Time, longHousekeeping time.Duration) bool {}

func (cd *containerData) updateSpec() error {}

// Calculate new smoothed load average using the new sample of runnable threads.
// The decay used ensures that the load will stabilize on a new constant value within
// 10 seconds.
func (cd *containerData) updateLoad(newLoad uint64) {}

func (cd *containerData) updateLoadD(newLoad uint64) {}

func (cd *containerData) updateStats() error {}

func (cd *containerData) updateCustomStats() (map[string][]info.MetricVal, error) {}

func (cd *containerData) updateSubcontainers() error {}