
var globalHousekeepingInterval

var updateMachineInfoInterval

var logCadvisorUsage

var eventStorageAgeLimit

var eventStorageEventLimit

var applicationMetricsCountLimit

const DockerNamespace

const PodmanNamespace

var HousekeepingConfigFlags

type Manager

type HousekeepingConfig

// New takes a memory storage and returns a new manager.
func New(memoryCache *memory.InMemoryCache, sysfs sysfs.SysFs, HousekeepingConfig HousekeepingConfig, includedMetricsSet container.MetricSet, collectorHTTPClient *http.Client, rawContainerCgroupPathPrefixWhiteList, containerEnvMetadataWhiteList []string, perfEventsFile string, resctrlInterval time.Duration) (Manager, error) {}

type namespacedContainerName

type manager

func (m *manager) PodmanContainer(containerName string, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

// Start the container manager.
func (m *manager) Start() error {}

func (m *manager) Stop() error {}

func (m *manager) destroyCollectors() {}

func (m *manager) updateMachineInfo(quit chan error) {}

func (m *manager) globalHousekeeping(quit chan error) {}

func (m *manager) getContainerData(containerName string) (*containerData, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetDerivedStats(containerName string, options v2.RequestOptions) (map[string]v2.DerivedStats, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetContainerSpec(containerName string, options v2.RequestOptions) (map[string]v2.ContainerSpec, error) {}

// Get V2 container spec from v1 container info.
func (m *manager) getV2Spec(cinfo *containerInfo) v2.ContainerSpec {}

func (m *manager) getAdjustedSpec(cinfo *containerInfo) info.ContainerSpec {}

func (m *manager) GetContainerInfo(containerName string, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (*info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetContainerInfoV2(containerName string, options v2.RequestOptions) (map[string]v2.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) containerDataToContainerInfo(cont *containerData, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (*info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) getContainer(containerName string) (*containerData, error) {}

func (m *manager) getSubcontainers(containerName string) map[string]*containerData {}

func (m *manager) SubcontainersInfo(containerName string, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) ([]*info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) getAllNamespacedContainers(ns string) map[string]*containerData {}

func (m *manager) AllDockerContainers(query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (map[string]info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) namespacedContainer(containerName string, ns string) (*containerData, error) {}

func (m *manager) DockerContainer(containerName string, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) containerDataSliceToContainerInfoSlice(containers []*containerData, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) ([]*info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetRequestedContainersInfo(containerName string, options v2.RequestOptions) (map[string]*info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) getRequestedContainers(containerName string, options v2.RequestOptions) (map[string]*containerData, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetDirFsInfo(dir string) (v2.FsInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetFsInfoByFsUUID(uuid string) (v2.FsInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetFsInfo(label string) ([]v2.FsInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetMachineInfo() (*info.MachineInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) GetVersionInfo() (*info.VersionInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) Exists(containerName string) bool {}

func (m *manager) GetProcessList(containerName string, options v2.RequestOptions) ([]v2.ProcessInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) registerCollectors(collectorConfigs map[string]string, cont *containerData) error {}

// Create a container.
func (m *manager) createContainer(containerName string, watchSource watcher.ContainerWatchSource) error {}

func (m *manager) createContainerLocked(containerName string, watchSource watcher.ContainerWatchSource) error {}

func (m *manager) destroyContainer(containerName string) error {}

func (m *manager) destroyContainerLocked(containerName string) error {}

// Detect all containers that have been added or deleted from the specified container.
func (m *manager) getContainersDiff(containerName string) (added []info.ContainerReference, removed []info.ContainerReference, err error) {}

// Detect the existing subcontainers and reflect the setup here.
func (m *manager) detectSubcontainers(containerName string) error {}

// Watches for new containers started in the system. Runs forever unless there is a setup error.
func (m *manager) watchForNewContainers(quit chan error) error {}

func (m *manager) watchForNewOoms() error {}

// can be called by the api which will take events returned on the channel
func (m *manager) WatchForEvents(request *events.Request) (*events.EventChannel, error) {}

// can be called by the api which will return all events satisfying the request
func (m *manager) GetPastEvents(request *events.Request) ([]*info.Event, error) {}

// called by the api when a client is no longer listening to the channel
func (m *manager) CloseEventChannel(watchID int) {}

// Parses the events StoragePolicy from the flags.
func parseEventsStoragePolicy() events.StoragePolicy {}

func (m *manager) DebugInfo() map[string][]string {}

func (m *manager) getFsInfoByDeviceName(deviceName string) (v2.FsInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) containersInfo(containers map[string]*containerData, query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (map[string]info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func (m *manager) AllPodmanContainers(query *info.ContainerInfoRequest) (map[string]info.ContainerInfo, error) {}

func getVersionInfo() (*info.VersionInfo, error) {}

type partialFailure

func (f *partialFailure) append(id, operation string, err error) {}

func (f partialFailure) Error() string {}

func (f partialFailure) OrNil() error {}