
var Endian

type genMsghdr

type netlinkMessage

func (m netlinkMessage) toRawMsg() (rawmsg syscall.NetlinkMessage) {}

type loadStatsResp

// Return required padding to align 'size' to 'alignment'.
func padding(size int, alignment int) int {}

// Get family id for taskstats subsystem.
func getFamilyID(conn *Connection) (uint16, error) {}

// Append an attribute to the message.
// Adds attribute info (length and type), followed by the data and necessary padding.
// Can be called multiple times to add attributes. Only fixed size and string type
// attributes are handled. We don't need nested attributes for task stats.
func addAttribute(buf *bytes.Buffer, attrType uint16, data interface{}

// Prepares the message and generic headers and appends attributes as data.
func prepareMessage(headerType uint16, cmd uint8, attributes []byte) (msg netlinkMessage) {}

// Prepares message to query family id for task stats.
func prepareFamilyMessage() (msg netlinkMessage) {}

// Prepares message to query task stats for a task group.
func prepareCmdMessage(id uint16, cfd uintptr) (msg netlinkMessage) {}

// Extracts returned family id from the response.
func parseFamilyResp(msg syscall.NetlinkMessage) (uint16, error) {}

// Extract task stats from response returned by kernel.
func parseLoadStatsResp(msg syscall.NetlinkMessage) (*loadStatsResp, error) {}

// Verify and return any error reported by kernel.
func verifyHeader(msg syscall.NetlinkMessage) error {}

// Get load stats for a task group.
// id: family id for taskstats.
// cfd: open file to path to the cgroup directory under cpu hierarchy.
// conn: open netlink connection used to communicate with kernel.
func getLoadStats(id uint16, cfd *os.File, conn *Connection) (info.LoadStats, error) {}