
var legacyContainerRegexp

var containerRegexp

var lastLineRegexp

var firstLineRegexp

type OomParser

type OomInstance

// gets the container name from a line and adds it to the oomInstance.
func getLegacyContainerName(line string, currentOomInstance *OomInstance) error {}

// gets the container name from a line and adds it to the oomInstance.
func getContainerName(line string, currentOomInstance *OomInstance) (bool, error) {}

// gets the pid, name, and date from a line and adds it to oomInstance
func getProcessNamePid(line string, currentOomInstance *OomInstance) (bool, error) {}

// uses regex to see if line is the start of a kernel oom log
func checkIfStartOfOomMessages(line string) bool {}

// StreamOoms writes to a provided a stream of OomInstance objects representing
// OOM events that are found in the logs.
// It will block and should be called from a goroutine.
func (p *OomParser) StreamOoms(outStream chan<- *OomInstance) {}

// initializes an OomParser object. Returns an OomParser object and an error.
func New() (*OomParser, error) {}

type glogAdapter

var _

func (glogAdapter) Infof(format string, args ...interface{}

func (glogAdapter) Warningf(format string, args ...interface{}

func (glogAdapter) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}