
type aggregateLiteralElementType

const dynElementType

const homogenousElementType

var crossTypeNumericComparisonOverloads

type Env

// NewEnv returns a new *Env with the given parameters.
func NewEnv(container *containers.Container, provider types.Provider, opts ...Option) (*Env, error) {}

// AddIdents configures the checker with a list of variable declarations.
// If there are overlapping declarations, the method will error.
func (e *Env) AddIdents(declarations ...*decls.VariableDecl) error {}

// AddFunctions configures the checker with a list of function declarations.
// If there are overlapping declarations, the method will error.
func (e *Env) AddFunctions(declarations ...*decls.FunctionDecl) error {}

// LookupIdent returns a Decl proto for typeName as an identifier in the Env.
// Returns nil if no such identifier is found in the Env.
func (e *Env) LookupIdent(name string) *decls.VariableDecl {}

// LookupFunction returns a Decl proto for typeName as a function in env.
// Returns nil if no such function is found in env.
func (e *Env) LookupFunction(name string) *decls.FunctionDecl {}

// setFunction adds the function Decl to the Env.
// Adds a function decl if one doesn't already exist, then adds all overloads from the Decl.
// If overload overlaps with an existing overload, adds to the errors  in the Env instead.
func (e *Env) setFunction(fn *decls.FunctionDecl) []errorMsg {}

// addIdent adds the Decl to the declarations in the Env.
// Returns a non-empty errorMsg if the identifier is already declared in the scope.
func (e *Env) addIdent(decl *decls.VariableDecl) errorMsg {}

// isOverloadDisabled returns whether the overloadID is disabled in the current environment.
func (e *Env) isOverloadDisabled(overloadID string) bool {}

// validatedDeclarations returns a reference to the validated variable and function declaration scope stack.
// must be copied before use.
func (e *Env) validatedDeclarations() *Scopes {}

// enterScope creates a new Env instance with a new innermost declaration scope.
func (e *Env) enterScope() *Env {}

// exitScope creates a new Env instance with the nearest outer declaration scope.
func (e *Env) exitScope() *Env {}

type errorMsg

func overlappingIdentifierError(name string) errorMsg {}

func overlappingMacroError(name string, argCount int) errorMsg {}

func formatError(errMsgs []errorMsg) error {}