
// newFileDescription returns a FileDescription instance with a complete listing of all the message
// types and enum values, as well as a map of extensions declared within any scope in the file.
func newFileDescription(fileDesc protoreflect.FileDescriptor, pbdb *Db) (*FileDescription, extensionMap) {}

type FileDescription

// Copy creates a copy of the FileDescription with updated Db references within its types.
func (fd *FileDescription) Copy(pbdb *Db) *FileDescription {}

// GetName returns the fully qualified file path for the file.
func (fd *FileDescription) GetName() string {}

// GetEnumDescription returns an EnumDescription for a qualified enum value
// name declared within the .proto file.
func (fd *FileDescription) GetEnumDescription(enumName string) (*EnumValueDescription, bool) {}

// GetEnumNames returns the string names of all enum values in the file.
func (fd *FileDescription) GetEnumNames() []string {}

// GetTypeDescription returns a TypeDescription for a qualified protobuf message type name
// declared within the .proto file.
func (fd *FileDescription) GetTypeDescription(typeName string) (*TypeDescription, bool) {}

// GetTypeNames returns the list of all type names contained within the file.
func (fd *FileDescription) GetTypeNames() []string {}

// sanitizeProtoName strips the leading '.' from the proto message name.
func sanitizeProtoName(name string) string {}

type fileMetadata

// collectFileMetadata traverses the proto file object graph to collect message types and enum
// values and index them by their fully qualified names.
func collectFileMetadata(fileDesc protoreflect.FileDescriptor) *fileMetadata {}

// collectMsgTypes recursively collects messages, nested messages, and nested enums into a map of
// fully qualified protobuf names to descriptors.
func collectMsgTypes(msgTypes protoreflect.MessageDescriptors,
	msgTypeMap map[string]protoreflect.MessageDescriptor,
	enumValueMap map[string]protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor,
	msgExtensionMap map[string][]protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor) {}

// collectEnumValues accumulates the enum values within an enum declaration.
func collectEnumValues(enumTypes protoreflect.EnumDescriptors, enumValueMap map[string]protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor) {}

func collectExtensions(extensions protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptors, msgExtensionMap map[string][]protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor) {}