
type description

// newTypeDescription produces a TypeDescription value for the fully-qualified proto type name
// with a given descriptor.
func newTypeDescription(typeName string, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, extensions extensionMap) *TypeDescription {}

type TypeDescription

// Copy copies the type description with updated references to the Db.
func (td *TypeDescription) Copy(pbdb *Db) *TypeDescription {}

// FieldMap returns a string field name to FieldDescription map.
func (td *TypeDescription) FieldMap() map[string]*FieldDescription {}

// FieldByName returns (FieldDescription, true) if the field name is declared within the type.
func (td *TypeDescription) FieldByName(name string) (*FieldDescription, bool) {}

// MaybeUnwrap accepts a proto message as input and unwraps it to a primitive CEL type if possible.
// This method returns the unwrapped value and 'true', else the original value and 'false'.
func (td *TypeDescription) MaybeUnwrap(msg proto.Message) (any, bool, error) {}

// Name returns the fully-qualified name of the type.
func (td *TypeDescription) Name() string {}

// New returns a mutable proto message
func (td *TypeDescription) New() protoreflect.Message {}

// ReflectType returns the Golang reflect.Type for this type.
func (td *TypeDescription) ReflectType() reflect.Type {}

// Zero returns the zero proto.Message value for this type.
func (td *TypeDescription) Zero() proto.Message {}

// newFieldDescription creates a new field description from a protoreflect.FieldDescriptor.
func newFieldDescription(fieldDesc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) *FieldDescription {}

type FieldDescription

// CheckedType returns the type-definition used at type-check time.
func (fd *FieldDescription) CheckedType() *exprpb.Type {}

// Descriptor returns the protoreflect.FieldDescriptor for this type.
func (fd *FieldDescription) Descriptor() protoreflect.FieldDescriptor {}

// IsSet returns whether the field is set on the target value, per the proto presence conventions
// of proto2 or proto3 accordingly.
// This function implements the FieldType.IsSet function contract which can be used to operate on
// more than just protobuf field accesses; however, the target here must be a protobuf.Message.
func (fd *FieldDescription) IsSet(target any) bool {}

// GetFrom returns the accessor method associated with the field on the proto generated struct.
// If the field is not set, the proto default value is returned instead.
// This function implements the FieldType.GetFrom function contract which can be used to operate
// on more than just protobuf field accesses; however, the target here must be a protobuf.Message.
func (fd *FieldDescription) GetFrom(target any) (any, error) {}

// IsEnum returns true if the field type refers to an enum value.
func (fd *FieldDescription) IsEnum() bool {}

// IsMap returns true if the field is of map type.
func (fd *FieldDescription) IsMap() bool {}

// IsMessage returns true if the field is of message type.
func (fd *FieldDescription) IsMessage() bool {}

// IsOneof returns true if the field is declared within a oneof block.
func (fd *FieldDescription) IsOneof() bool {}

// IsList returns true if the field is a repeated value.
// This method will also return true for map values, so check whether the
// field is also a map.
func (fd *FieldDescription) IsList() bool {}

// MaybeUnwrapDynamic takes the reflected protoreflect.Message and determines whether the
// value can be unwrapped to a more primitive CEL type.
// This function returns the unwrapped value and 'true' on success, or the original value
// and 'false' otherwise.
func (fd *FieldDescription) MaybeUnwrapDynamic(msg protoreflect.Message) (any, bool, error) {}

// Name returns the CamelCase name of the field within the proto-based struct.
func (fd *FieldDescription) Name() string {}

// ProtoKind returns the protobuf reflected kind of the field.
func (fd *FieldDescription) ProtoKind() protoreflect.Kind {}

// ReflectType returns the Golang reflect.Type for this field.
func (fd *FieldDescription) ReflectType() reflect.Type {}

// String returns the fully qualified name of the field within its type as well as whether the
// field occurs within a oneof.
func (fd *FieldDescription) String() string {}

// Zero returns the zero value for the protobuf message represented by this field.
// If the field is not a proto.Message type, the zero value is nil.
func (fd *FieldDescription) Zero() proto.Message {}

func (fd *FieldDescription) typeDefToType() *exprpb.Type {}

type Map

func checkedMessageType(name string) *exprpb.Type {}

func checkedPrimitive(primitive exprpb.Type_PrimitiveType) *exprpb.Type {}

func checkedWellKnown(wellKnown exprpb.Type_WellKnownType) *exprpb.Type {}

func checkedWrap(t *exprpb.Type) *exprpb.Type {}

// unwrap unwraps the provided proto.Message value, potentially based on the description if the
// input message is a *dynamicpb.Message which obscures the typing information from Go.
// Returns the unwrapped value and 'true' if unwrapped, otherwise the input value and 'false'.
func unwrap(desc description, msg proto.Message) (any, bool, error) {}

// unwrapDynamic unwraps a reflected protobuf Message value.
// Returns the unwrapped value and 'true' if unwrapped, otherwise the input value and 'false'.
func unwrapDynamic(desc description, refMsg protoreflect.Message) (any, bool, error) {}

// reflectTypeOf intercepts the reflect.Type call to ensure that dynamicpb.Message types preserve
// well-known protobuf reflected types expected by the CEL type system.
func reflectTypeOf(val any) reflect.Type {}

// zeroValueOf will return the strongest possible proto.Message representing the default protobuf
// message value of the input msg type.
func zeroValueOf(msg proto.Message) proto.Message {}

var jsonValueTypeURL

var zeroValueMap