
type Adapter

type Provider

type FieldType

type Registry

// NewRegistry accepts a list of proto message instances and returns a type
// provider which can create new instances of the provided message or any
// message that proto depends upon in its FileDescriptor.
func NewRegistry(types ...proto.Message) (*Registry, error) {}

// NewEmptyRegistry returns a registry which is completely unconfigured.
func NewEmptyRegistry() *Registry {}

// Copy copies the current state of the registry into its own memory space.
func (p *Registry) Copy() *Registry {}

// EnumValue returns the numeric value of the given enum value name.
func (p *Registry) EnumValue(enumName string) ref.Val {}

// FindFieldType returns the field type for a checked type value. Returns false if
// the field could not be found.
// Deprecated: use FindStructFieldType
func (p *Registry) FindFieldType(structType, fieldName string) (*ref.FieldType, bool) {}

// FindStructFieldNames returns the set of field names for the given struct type,
// if the type exists in the registry.
func (p *Registry) FindStructFieldNames(structType string) ([]string, bool) {}

// FindStructFieldType returns the field type for a checked type value. Returns
// false if the field could not be found.
func (p *Registry) FindStructFieldType(structType, fieldName string) (*FieldType, bool) {}

// FindIdent takes a qualified identifier name and returns a ref.Val if one exists.
func (p *Registry) FindIdent(identName string) (ref.Val, bool) {}

// FindType looks up the Type given a qualified typeName. Returns false if not found.
// Deprecated: use FindStructType
func (p *Registry) FindType(structType string) (*exprpb.Type, bool) {}

// FindStructType returns the Type give a qualified type name.
// For historical reasons, only struct types are expected to be returned through this
// method, and the type values are expected to be wrapped in a TypeType instance using
// TypeTypeWithParam(<structType>).
// Returns false if not found.
func (p *Registry) FindStructType(structType string) (*Type, bool) {}

// NewValue creates a new type value from a qualified name and map of field
// name to value.
// Note, for each value, the Val.ConvertToNative function will be invoked
// to convert the Val to the field's native type. If an error occurs during
// conversion, the NewValue will be a types.Err.
func (p *Registry) NewValue(structType string, fields map[string]ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// RegisterDescriptor registers the contents of a protocol buffer `FileDescriptor`.
func (p *Registry) RegisterDescriptor(fileDesc protoreflect.FileDescriptor) error {}

// RegisterMessage registers a protocol buffer message and its dependencies.
func (p *Registry) RegisterMessage(message proto.Message) error {}

// RegisterType registers a type value with the provider which ensures the provider is aware of how to
// map the type to an identifier.
// If the `ref.Type` value is a `*types.Type` it will be registered directly by its runtime type name.
// If the `ref.Type` value is not a `*types.Type` instance, a `*types.Type` instance which reflects the
// traits present on the input and the runtime type name. By default this foreign type will be treated
// as a types.StructKind. To avoid potential issues where the `ref.Type` values does not match the
// generated `*types.Type` instance, consider always using the `*types.Type` to represent type extensions
// to CEL, even when they're not based on protobuf types.
func (p *Registry) RegisterType(types ...ref.Type) error {}

// NativeToValue converts various "native" types to ref.Val with this specific implementation
// providing support for custom proto-based types.
// This method should be the inverse of ref.Val.ConvertToNative.
func (p *Registry) NativeToValue(value any) ref.Val {}

func (p *Registry) registerAllTypes(fd *pb.FileDescription) error {}

func fieldDescToCELType(field *pb.FieldDescription) *Type {}

func singularFieldDescToCELType(field *pb.FieldDescription) *Type {}

type defaultTypeAdapter

var DefaultTypeAdapter

// NativeToValue implements the ref.TypeAdapter interface.
func (a *defaultTypeAdapter) NativeToValue(value any) ref.Val {}

// nativeToValue returns the converted (ref.Val, true) of a conversion is found,
// otherwise (nil, false)
func nativeToValue(a Adapter, value any) (ref.Val, bool) {}

func msgSetField(target protoreflect.Message, field *pb.FieldDescription, val ref.Val) error {}

func msgSetListField(target protoreflect.List, listField *pb.FieldDescription, listVal traits.Lister) error {}

func msgSetMapField(target protoreflect.Map, mapField *pb.FieldDescription, mapVal traits.Mapper) error {}

func unsupportedTypeConversionError(field *pb.FieldDescription, val ref.Val) error {}

func fieldTypeConversionError(field *pb.FieldDescription, err error) error {}

var ProtoCELPrimitives