
type Kind

const UnspecifiedKind

const DynKind

const AnyKind

const BoolKind

const BytesKind

const DoubleKind

const DurationKind

const ErrorKind

const IntKind

const ListKind

const MapKind

const NullTypeKind

const OpaqueKind

const StringKind

const StructKind

const TimestampKind

const TypeKind

const TypeParamKind

const UintKind

const UnknownKind

var AnyType

var BoolType

var BytesType

var DoubleType

var DurationType

var DynType

var ErrorType

var IntType

var ListType

var MapType

var NullType

var StringType

var TimestampType

var TypeType

var UintType

var UnknownType

var _

var _

type Type

// ConvertToNative implements ref.Val.ConvertToNative.
func (t *Type) ConvertToNative(typeDesc reflect.Type) (any, error) {}

// ConvertToType implements ref.Val.ConvertToType.
func (t *Type) ConvertToType(typeVal ref.Type) ref.Val {}

// Equal indicates whether two types have the same runtime type name.
// The name Equal is a bit of a misnomer, but for historical reasons, this is the
// runtime behavior. For a more accurate definition see IsType().
func (t *Type) Equal(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// HasTrait implements the ref.Type interface method.
func (t *Type) HasTrait(trait int) bool {}

// IsExactType indicates whether the two types are exactly the same. This check also verifies type parameter type names.
func (t *Type) IsExactType(other *Type) bool {}

// IsEquivalentType indicates whether two types are equivalent. This check ignores type parameter type names.
func (t *Type) IsEquivalentType(other *Type) bool {}

// Kind indicates general category of the type.
func (t *Type) Kind() Kind {}

// isTypeInternal checks whether the two types are equivalent or exactly the same based on the checkTypeParamName flag.
func (t *Type) isTypeInternal(other *Type, checkTypeParamName bool) bool {}

// IsAssignableType determines whether the current type is type-check assignable from the input fromType.
func (t *Type) IsAssignableType(fromType *Type) bool {}

// IsAssignableRuntimeType determines whether the current type is runtime assignable from the input runtimeType.
// At runtime, parameterized types are erased and so a function which type-checks to support a map(string, string)
// will have a runtime assignable type of a map.
func (t *Type) IsAssignableRuntimeType(val ref.Val) bool {}

// Parameters returns the list of type parameters if set.
// For ListKind, Parameters()[0] represents the list element type
// For MapKind, Parameters()[0] represents the map key type, and Parameters()[1] represents the map
// value type.
func (t *Type) Parameters() []*Type {}

// DeclaredTypeName indicates the fully qualified and parameterized type-check type name.
func (t *Type) DeclaredTypeName() string {}

// Type implements the ref.Val interface method.
func (t *Type) Type() ref.Type {}

// Value implements the ref.Val interface method.
func (t *Type) Value() any {}

// TypeName returns the type-erased fully qualified runtime type name.
// TypeName implements the ref.Type interface method.
func (t *Type) TypeName() string {}

// WithTraits creates a copy of the current Type and sets the trait mask to the traits parameter.
// This method should be used with Opaque types where the type acts like a container, e.g. vector.
func (t *Type) WithTraits(traits int) *Type {}

// String returns a human-readable definition of the type name.
func (t *Type) String() string {}

// isDyn indicates whether the type is dynamic in any way.
func (t *Type) isDyn() bool {}

// defaultIsAssignableType provides the standard definition of what it means for one type to be assignable to another
// where any of the following may return a true result:
// - The from types are the same instance
// - The target type is dynamic
// - The fromType has the same kind and type name as the target type, and all parameters of the target type
//	are IsAssignableType() from the parameters of the fromType.
func (t *Type) defaultIsAssignableType(fromType *Type) bool {}

// defaultIsAssignableRuntimeType inspects the type and in the case of list and map elements, the key and element types
// to determine whether a ref.Val is assignable to the declared type for a function signature.
func (t *Type) defaultIsAssignableRuntimeType(val ref.Val) bool {}

// NewListType creates an instances of a list type value with the provided element type.
func NewListType(elemType *Type) *Type {}

// NewMapType creates an instance of a map type value with the provided key and value types.
func NewMapType(keyType, valueType *Type) *Type {}

// NewNullableType creates an instance of a nullable type with the provided wrapped type.
// Note: only primitive types are supported as wrapped types.
func NewNullableType(wrapped *Type) *Type {}

// NewOptionalType creates an abstract parameterized type instance corresponding to CEL's notion of optional.
func NewOptionalType(param *Type) *Type {}

// NewOpaqueType creates an abstract parameterized type with a given name.
func NewOpaqueType(name string, params ...*Type) *Type {}

// NewObjectType creates a type reference to an externally defined type, e.g. a protobuf message type.
// An object type is assumed to support field presence testing and field indexing. Additionally, the
// type may also indicate additional traits through the use of the optional traits vararg argument.
func NewObjectType(typeName string, traits ...int) *Type {}

// NewObjectTypeValue creates a type reference to an externally defined type.
// Deprecated: use cel.ObjectType(typeName)
func NewObjectTypeValue(typeName string) *Type {}

// NewTypeValue creates an opaque type which has a set of optional type traits as defined in
// the common/types/traits package.
// Deprecated: use cel.ObjectType(typeName, traits)
func NewTypeValue(typeName string, traits ...int) *Type {}

// NewTypeParamType creates a parameterized type instance.
func NewTypeParamType(paramName string) *Type {}

// NewTypeTypeWithParam creates a type with a type parameter.
// Used for type-checking purposes, but equivalent to TypeType otherwise.
func NewTypeTypeWithParam(param *Type) *Type {}

// TypeToExprType converts a CEL-native type representation to a protobuf CEL Type representation.
func TypeToExprType(t *Type) (*exprpb.Type, error) {}

// ExprTypeToType converts a protobuf CEL type representation to a CEL-native type representation.
func ExprTypeToType(t *exprpb.Type) (*Type, error) {}

func maybeWrapper(t *Type, pbType *exprpb.Type) *exprpb.Type {}

func maybeForeignType(t ref.Type) *Type {}

var checkedWellKnowns

var emptyParams

var allTraits

var structTypeTraitMask