
type Uint

var uint32WrapperType

var uint64WrapperType

const uintZero

// Add implements traits.Adder.Add.
func (i Uint) Add(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// Compare implements traits.Comparer.Compare.
func (i Uint) Compare(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// ConvertToNative implements ref.Val.ConvertToNative.
func (i Uint) ConvertToNative(typeDesc reflect.Type) (any, error) {}

// ConvertToType implements ref.Val.ConvertToType.
func (i Uint) ConvertToType(typeVal ref.Type) ref.Val {}

// Divide implements traits.Divider.Divide.
func (i Uint) Divide(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// Equal implements ref.Val.Equal.
func (i Uint) Equal(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// IsZeroValue returns true if the uint is zero.
func (i Uint) IsZeroValue() bool {}

// Modulo implements traits.Modder.Modulo.
func (i Uint) Modulo(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// Multiply implements traits.Multiplier.Multiply.
func (i Uint) Multiply(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// Subtract implements traits.Subtractor.Subtract.
func (i Uint) Subtract(subtrahend ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// Type implements ref.Val.Type.
func (i Uint) Type() ref.Type {}

// Value implements ref.Val.Value.
func (i Uint) Value() any {}

// isJSONSafe indicates whether the uint is safely representable as a floating point value in JSON.
func (i Uint) isJSONSafe() bool {}