
func setsockopt(fd int, optname, optval, optlen uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr, error) {}

func getsockopt(fd int, optname, optval, optlen uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr, error) {}

type rawConn

func (r rawConn) Control(f func(fd uintptr)) error {}

func (r rawConn) Read(f func(fd uintptr) (done bool)) error {}

func (r rawConn) Write(f func(fd uintptr) (done bool)) error {}

func (c *SCTPConn) SCTPWrite(b []byte, info *SndRcvInfo) (int, error) {}

func parseSndRcvInfo(b []byte) (*SndRcvInfo, error) {}

func (c *SCTPConn) SCTPRead(b []byte) (int, *SndRcvInfo, error) {}

func (c *SCTPConn) Close() error {}

func (c *SCTPConn) SetWriteBuffer(bytes int) error {}

func (c *SCTPConn) GetWriteBuffer() (int, error) {}

func (c *SCTPConn) SetReadBuffer(bytes int) error {}

func (c *SCTPConn) GetReadBuffer() (int, error) {}

// ListenSCTP - start listener on specified address/port
func ListenSCTP(net string, laddr *SCTPAddr) (*SCTPListener, error) {}

// ListenSCTPExt - start listener on specified address/port with given SCTP options
func ListenSCTPExt(network string, laddr *SCTPAddr, options InitMsg) (*SCTPListener, error) {}

// listenSCTPExtConfig - start listener on specified address/port with given SCTP options and socket configuration
func listenSCTPExtConfig(network string, laddr *SCTPAddr, options InitMsg, control func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error) (*SCTPListener, error) {}

// AcceptSCTP waits for and returns the next SCTP connection to the listener.
func (ln *SCTPListener) AcceptSCTP() (*SCTPConn, error) {}

// Accept waits for and returns the next connection connection to the listener.
func (ln *SCTPListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {}

func (ln *SCTPListener) Close() error {}

// DialSCTP - bind socket to laddr (if given) and connect to raddr
func DialSCTP(net string, laddr, raddr *SCTPAddr) (*SCTPConn, error) {}

// DialSCTPExt - same as DialSCTP but with given SCTP options
func DialSCTPExt(network string, laddr, raddr *SCTPAddr, options InitMsg) (*SCTPConn, error) {}

// dialSCTPExtConfig - same as DialSCTP but with given SCTP options and socket configuration
func dialSCTPExtConfig(network string, laddr, raddr *SCTPAddr, options InitMsg, control func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error) (*SCTPConn, error) {}