
type command

func (c *command) Run(arg ...string) ([][]string, error) {}

func setString(field *string, value string) {}

func setUint(field *uint64, value string) error {}

func (ds *Dataset) parseLine(line []string) error {}

 * from zfs diff`s escape function:
 * Prints a file name out a character at a time.  If the character is
 * not in the range of what we consider "printable" ASCII, display it
 * as an escaped 3-digit octal value.  ASCII values less than a space
 * are all control characters and we declare the upper end as the
 * DELete character.  This also is the last 7-bit ASCII character.
 * We choose to treat all 8-bit ASCII as not printable for this
 * application.
func unescapeFilepath(path string) (string, error) {}

var changeTypeMap

var inodeTypeMap

var referenceCountRegex

func parseReferenceCount(field string) (int, error) {}

func parseInodeChange(line []string) (*InodeChange, error) {}

// example input
//M       /       /testpool/bar/
//+       F       /testpool/bar/hello.txt
//M       /       /testpool/bar/hello.txt (+1)
//M       /       /testpool/bar/hello-hardlink
func parseInodeChanges(lines [][]string) ([]*InodeChange, error) {}

func listByType(t, filter string) ([]*Dataset, error) {}

func propsSlice(properties map[string]string) []string {}

func (z *Zpool) parseLine(line []string) error {}