
const DatasetFilesystem

const DatasetSnapshot

const DatasetVolume

type Dataset

type InodeType

const _

const BlockDevice

const CharacterDevice

const Directory

const Door

const NamedPipe

const SymbolicLink

const EventPort

const Socket

const File

type ChangeType

const _

const Removed

const Created

const Modified

const Renamed

type DestroyFlag

const DestroyDefault

const DestroyRecursive

const DestroyRecursiveClones

const DestroyDeferDeletion

const DestroyForceUmount

type InodeChange

type Logger

type defaultLogger

func (*defaultLogger) Log(cmd []string) {}

var logger

// SetLogger set a log handler to log all commands including arguments before
// they are executed
func SetLogger(l Logger) {}

// zfs is a helper function to wrap typical calls to zfs.
func zfs(arg ...string) ([][]string, error) {}

// Datasets returns a slice of ZFS datasets, regardless of type.
// A filter argument may be passed to select a dataset with the matching name,
// or empty string ("") may be used to select all datasets.
func Datasets(filter string) ([]*Dataset, error) {}

// Snapshots returns a slice of ZFS snapshots.
// A filter argument may be passed to select a snapshot with the matching name,
// or empty string ("") may be used to select all snapshots.
func Snapshots(filter string) ([]*Dataset, error) {}

// Filesystems returns a slice of ZFS filesystems.
// A filter argument may be passed to select a filesystem with the matching name,
// or empty string ("") may be used to select all filesystems.
func Filesystems(filter string) ([]*Dataset, error) {}

// Volumes returns a slice of ZFS volumes.
// A filter argument may be passed to select a volume with the matching name,
// or empty string ("") may be used to select all volumes.
func Volumes(filter string) ([]*Dataset, error) {}

// GetDataset retrieves a single ZFS dataset by name.  This dataset could be
// any valid ZFS dataset type, such as a clone, filesystem, snapshot, or volume.
func GetDataset(name string) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Clone clones a ZFS snapshot and returns a clone dataset.
// An error will be returned if the input dataset is not of snapshot type.
func (d *Dataset) Clone(dest string, properties map[string]string) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Unmount unmounts currently mounted ZFS file systems.
func (d *Dataset) Unmount(force bool) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Mount mounts ZFS file systems.
func (d *Dataset) Mount(overlay bool, options []string) (*Dataset, error) {}

// ReceiveSnapshot receives a ZFS stream from the input io.Reader, creates a
// new snapshot with the specified name, and streams the input data into the
// newly-created snapshot.
func ReceiveSnapshot(input io.Reader, name string) (*Dataset, error) {}

// SendSnapshot sends a ZFS stream of a snapshot to the input io.Writer.
// An error will be returned if the input dataset is not of snapshot type.
func (d *Dataset) SendSnapshot(output io.Writer) error {}

// CreateVolume creates a new ZFS volume with the specified name, size, and
// properties.
// A full list of available ZFS properties may be found here:
// https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?zfs(8).
func CreateVolume(name string, size uint64, properties map[string]string) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Destroy destroys a ZFS dataset. If the destroy bit flag is set, any
// descendents of the dataset will be recursively destroyed, including snapshots.
// If the deferred bit flag is set, the snapshot is marked for deferred
// deletion.
func (d *Dataset) Destroy(flags DestroyFlag) error {}

// SetProperty sets a ZFS property on the receiving dataset.
// A full list of available ZFS properties may be found here:
// https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?zfs(8).
func (d *Dataset) SetProperty(key, val string) error {}

// GetProperty returns the current value of a ZFS property from the
// receiving dataset.
// A full list of available ZFS properties may be found here:
// https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?zfs(8).
func (d *Dataset) GetProperty(key string) (string, error) {}

// Rename renames a dataset.
func (d *Dataset) Rename(name string, createParent bool, recursiveRenameSnapshots bool) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Snapshots returns a slice of all ZFS snapshots of a given dataset.
func (d *Dataset) Snapshots() ([]*Dataset, error) {}

// CreateFilesystem creates a new ZFS filesystem with the specified name and
// properties.
// A full list of available ZFS properties may be found here:
// https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?zfs(8).
func CreateFilesystem(name string, properties map[string]string) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Snapshot creates a new ZFS snapshot of the receiving dataset, using the
// specified name.  Optionally, the snapshot can be taken recursively, creating
// snapshots of all descendent filesystems in a single, atomic operation.
func (d *Dataset) Snapshot(name string, recursive bool) (*Dataset, error) {}

// Rollback rolls back the receiving ZFS dataset to a previous snapshot.
// Optionally, intermediate snapshots can be destroyed.  A ZFS snapshot
// rollback cannot be completed without this option, if more recent
// snapshots exist.
// An error will be returned if the input dataset is not of snapshot type.
func (d *Dataset) Rollback(destroyMoreRecent bool) error {}

// Children returns a slice of children of the receiving ZFS dataset.
// A recursion depth may be specified, or a depth of 0 allows unlimited
// recursion.
func (d *Dataset) Children(depth uint64) ([]*Dataset, error) {}

// Diff returns changes between a snapshot and the given ZFS dataset.
// The snapshot name must include the filesystem part as it is possible to
// compare clones with their origin snapshots.
func (d *Dataset) Diff(snapshot string) ([]*InodeChange, error) {}