
var native

var ipvsFamily

var ipvsOnce

type genlMsgHdr

type ipvsFlags

func deserializeGenlMsg(b []byte) (hdr *genlMsgHdr) {}

func (hdr *genlMsgHdr) Serialize() []byte {}

func (hdr *genlMsgHdr) Len() int {}

func (f *ipvsFlags) Serialize() []byte {}

func (f *ipvsFlags) Len() int {}

func setup() {}

func fillService(s *Service) nl.NetlinkRequestData {}

func fillDestination(d *Destination) nl.NetlinkRequestData {}

func (i *Handle) doCmdwithResponse(s *Service, d *Destination, cmd uint8) ([][]byte, error) {}

func (i *Handle) doCmd(s *Service, d *Destination, cmd uint8) error {}

func getIPVSFamily() (int, error) {}

func rawIPData(ip net.IP) []byte {}

func newIPVSRequest(cmd uint8) *nl.NetlinkRequest {}

func newGenlRequest(familyID int, cmd uint8) *nl.NetlinkRequest {}

func execute(s *nl.NetlinkSocket, req *nl.NetlinkRequest, resType uint16) ([][]byte, error) {}

func parseIP(ip []byte, family uint16) (net.IP, error) {}

// parseStats
func assembleStats(msg []byte) (SvcStats, error) {}

// assembleService assembles a services back from a hain of netlink attributes
func assembleService(attrs []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (*Service, error) {}

// parseService given a ipvs netlink response this function will respond with a valid service entry, an error otherwise
func (i *Handle) parseService(msg []byte) (*Service, error) {}

// doGetServicesCmd a wrapper which could be used commonly for both GetServices() and GetService(*Service)
func (i *Handle) doGetServicesCmd(svc *Service) ([]*Service, error) {}

// doCmdWithoutAttr a simple wrapper of netlink socket execute command
func (i *Handle) doCmdWithoutAttr(cmd uint8) ([][]byte, error) {}

func assembleDestination(attrs []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (*Destination, error) {}

// getIPFamily parses the IP family based on raw data from netlink.
// For AF_INET, netlink will set the first 4 bytes with trailing zeros
// -> [10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
// For AF_INET6, the full 16 byte array is used:
//	2001:db8:3c4d:15::1a00 -> [32 1 13 184 60 77 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0]
func getIPFamily(address []byte) (uint16, error) {}

func isZeros(b []byte) bool {}

// parseDestination given a ipvs netlink response this function will respond with a valid destination entry, an error otherwise
func (i *Handle) parseDestination(msg []byte) (*Destination, error) {}

// doGetDestinationsCmd a wrapper function to be used by GetDestinations and GetDestination(d) apis
func (i *Handle) doGetDestinationsCmd(s *Service, d *Destination) ([]*Destination, error) {}

// parseConfig given a ipvs netlink response this function will respond with a valid config entry, an error otherwise
func (i *Handle) parseConfig(msg []byte) (*Config, error) {}

// doGetConfigCmd a wrapper function to be used by GetConfig
func (i *Handle) doGetConfigCmd() (*Config, error) {}

// doSetConfigCmd a wrapper function to be used by SetConfig
func (i *Handle) doSetConfigCmd(c *Config) error {}