
// OpenFile opens a cgroup file in a given dir with given flags.
// It is supposed to be used for cgroup files only, and returns
// an error if the file is not a cgroup file.
// Arguments dir and file are joined together to form an absolute path
// to a file being opened.
func OpenFile(dir, file string, flags int) (*os.File, error) {}

// ReadFile reads data from a cgroup file in dir.
// It is supposed to be used for cgroup files only.
func ReadFile(dir, file string) (string, error) {}

// WriteFile writes data to a cgroup file in dir.
// It is supposed to be used for cgroup files only.
func WriteFile(dir, file, data string) error {}

// WriteFileByLine is the same as WriteFile, except if data contains newlines,
// it is written line by line.
func WriteFileByLine(dir, file, data string) error {}

const cgroupfsDir

const cgroupfsPrefix

var TestMode

var cgroupRootHandle

var prepOnce

var prepErr

var resolveFlags

func prepareOpenat2() error {}

func openFile(dir, file string, flags int) (*os.File, error) {}

var errNotCgroupfs

var openFallback

// openAndCheck is used when openat2(2) is not available. It checks the opened
// file is on cgroupfs, returning an error otherwise.
func openAndCheck(path string, flags int, mode os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) {}