
const CgroupProcesses

const unifiedMountpoint

const hybridMountpoint

var isUnifiedOnce

var isUnified

var isHybridOnce

var isHybrid

// IsCgroup2UnifiedMode returns whether we are running in cgroup v2 unified mode.
func IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() bool {}

// IsCgroup2HybridMode returns whether we are running in cgroup v2 hybrid mode.
func IsCgroup2HybridMode() bool {}

type Mount

// GetCgroupMounts returns the mounts for the cgroup subsystems.
// all indicates whether to return just the first instance or all the mounts.
// This function should not be used from cgroupv2 code, as in this case
// all the controllers are available under the constant unifiedMountpoint.
func GetCgroupMounts(all bool) ([]Mount, error) {}

// GetAllSubsystems returns all the cgroup subsystems supported by the kernel
func GetAllSubsystems() ([]string, error) {}

func readProcsFile(dir string) (out []int, _ error) {}

// ParseCgroupFile parses the given cgroup file, typically /proc/self/cgroup
// or /proc/<pid>/cgroup, into a map of subsystems to cgroup paths, e.g.
//	"cpu": "/user.slice/user-1000.slice"
//	"pids": "/user.slice/user-1000.slice"
// etc.
// Note that for cgroup v2 unified hierarchy, there are no per-controller
// cgroup paths, so the resulting map will have a single element where the key
// is empty string ("") and the value is the cgroup path the <pid> is in.
func ParseCgroupFile(path string) (map[string]string, error) {}

// helper function for ParseCgroupFile to make testing easier
func parseCgroupFromReader(r io.Reader) (map[string]string, error) {}

func PathExists(path string) bool {}

// rmdir tries to remove a directory, optionally retrying on EBUSY.
func rmdir(path string, retry bool) error {}

// RemovePath aims to remove cgroup path. It does so recursively,
// by removing any subdirectories (sub-cgroups) first.
func RemovePath(path string) error {}

// RemovePaths iterates over the provided paths removing them.
func RemovePaths(paths map[string]string) (err error) {}

var hugePageSizes

var initHPSOnce

func HugePageSizes() []string {}

func getHugePageSizeFromFilenames(fileNames []string) ([]string, error) {}

// GetPids returns all pids, that were added to cgroup at path.
func GetPids(dir string) ([]int, error) {}

// WriteCgroupProc writes the specified pid into the cgroup's cgroup.procs file
func WriteCgroupProc(dir string, pid int) error {}

// Since the OCI spec is designed for cgroup v1, in some cases
// there is need to convert from the cgroup v1 configuration to cgroup v2
// the formula for cpuShares is y = (1 + ((x - 2) * 9999) / 262142)
// convert from [2-262144] to [1-10000]
// 262144 comes from Linux kernel definition "#define MAX_SHARES (1UL << 18)"
func ConvertCPUSharesToCgroupV2Value(cpuShares uint64) uint64 {}

// ConvertMemorySwapToCgroupV2Value converts MemorySwap value from OCI spec
// for use by cgroup v2 drivers. A conversion is needed since Resources.MemorySwap
// is defined as memory+swap combined, while in cgroup v2 swap is a separate value,
// so we need to subtract memory from it where it makes sense.
func ConvertMemorySwapToCgroupV2Value(memorySwap, memory int64) (int64, error) {}

// Since the OCI spec is designed for cgroup v1, in some cases
// there is need to convert from the cgroup v1 configuration to cgroup v2
// the formula for BlkIOWeight to IOWeight is y = (1 + (x - 10) * 9999 / 990)
// convert linearly from [10-1000] to [1-10000]
func ConvertBlkIOToIOWeightValue(blkIoWeight uint16) uint64 {}