
const CgroupNamePrefix

const defaultPrefix

var errUnified

var ErrV1NoUnified

var readMountinfoOnce

var readMountinfoErr

var cgroupMountinfo

type NotFoundError

func (e *NotFoundError) Error() string {}

func NewNotFoundError(sub string) error {}

func IsNotFound(err error) bool {}

func tryDefaultPath(cgroupPath, subsystem string) string {}

// readCgroupMountinfo returns a list of cgroup v1 mounts (i.e. the ones
// with fstype of "cgroup") for the current running process.
// The results are cached (to avoid re-reading mountinfo which is relatively
// expensive), so it is assumed that cgroup mounts are not being changed.
func readCgroupMountinfo() ([]*mountinfo.Info, error) {}

// https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v1/cgroups.txt
func FindCgroupMountpoint(cgroupPath, subsystem string) (string, error) {}

func FindCgroupMountpointAndRoot(cgroupPath, subsystem string) (string, string, error) {}

func findCgroupMountpointAndRootFromMI(mounts []*mountinfo.Info, cgroupPath, subsystem string) (string, string, error) {}

func (m Mount) GetOwnCgroup(cgroups map[string]string) (string, error) {}

func getCgroupMountsHelper(ss map[string]bool, mounts []*mountinfo.Info, all bool) ([]Mount, error) {}

func getCgroupMountsV1(all bool) ([]Mount, error) {}

// GetOwnCgroup returns the relative path to the cgroup docker is running in.
func GetOwnCgroup(subsystem string) (string, error) {}

func GetOwnCgroupPath(subsystem string) (string, error) {}

func getCgroupPathHelper(subsystem, cgroup string) (string, error) {}

func getControllerPath(subsystem string, cgroups map[string]string) (string, error) {}