
type Rlimit

type IDMap

type Seccomp

type Action

const Kill

const Errno

const Trap

const Allow

const Trace

const Log

const Notify

const KillThread

const KillProcess

type Operator

const EqualTo

const NotEqualTo

const GreaterThan

const GreaterThanOrEqualTo

const LessThan

const LessThanOrEqualTo

const MaskEqualTo

type Arg

type Syscall

type Config

type Scheduler

// ToSchedAttr is to convert *configs.Scheduler to *unix.SchedAttr.
func ToSchedAttr(scheduler *Scheduler) (*unix.SchedAttr, error) {}

var IOPrioClassMapping

type IOPriority

type HookName

type HookList

type Hooks

const Prestart

const CreateRuntime

const CreateContainer

const StartContainer

const Poststart

const Poststop

// KnownHookNames returns the known hook names.
// Used by `runc features`.
func KnownHookNames() []string {}

type Capabilities

// Deprecated: use (Hooks).Run instead.
func (hooks HookList) RunHooks(state *specs.State) error {}

func (hooks *Hooks) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {}

func (hooks *Hooks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

// Run executes all hooks for the given hook name.
func (hooks Hooks) Run(name HookName, state *specs.State) error {}

type Hook

// NewFunctionHook will call the provided function when the hook is run.
func NewFunctionHook(f func(*specs.State) error) FuncHook {}

type FuncHook

func (f FuncHook) Run(s *specs.State) error {}

type Command

// NewCommandHook will execute the provided command when the hook is run.
func NewCommandHook(cmd Command) CommandHook {}

type CommandHook

func (c Command) Run(s *specs.State) error {}