
const Wildcard

type Device

type Permissions

const deviceRead

const deviceWrite

const deviceMknod

func (p Permissions) toSet() uint {}

func fromSet(set uint) Permissions {}

// Union returns the union of the two sets of Permissions.
func (p Permissions) Union(o Permissions) Permissions {}

// Difference returns the set difference of the two sets of Permissions.
// In set notation, A.Difference(B) gives you A\B.
func (p Permissions) Difference(o Permissions) Permissions {}

// Intersection computes the intersection of the two sets of Permissions.
func (p Permissions) Intersection(o Permissions) Permissions {}

// IsEmpty returns whether the set of permissions in a Permissions is
// empty.
func (p Permissions) IsEmpty() bool {}

// IsValid returns whether the set of permissions is a subset of valid
// permissions (namely, {r,w,m}).
func (p Permissions) IsValid() bool {}

type Type

const WildcardDevice

const BlockDevice

const CharDevice

const FifoDevice

func (t Type) IsValid() bool {}

func (t Type) CanMknod() bool {}

func (t Type) CanCgroup() bool {}

type Rule

func (d *Rule) CgroupString() string {}

func (d *Rule) Mkdev() (uint64, error) {}