
type Manager

// NewManager returns a new instance of Manager, or nil if the Intel RDT
// functionality is not specified in the config, available from hardware or
// enabled in the kernel.
func NewManager(config *configs.Config, id string, path string) *Manager {}

// newManager is the same as NewManager, except it does not check if the feature
// is actually available. Used by unit tests that mock intelrdt paths.
func newManager(config *configs.Config, id string, path string) *Manager {}

const intelRdtTasks

var catEnabled

var mbaEnabled

var initOnce

var errNotFound

// Check if Intel RDT sub-features are enabled in featuresInit()
func featuresInit() {}

// findIntelRdtMountpointDir returns the mount point of the Intel RDT "resource control" filesystem.
func findIntelRdtMountpointDir() (string, error) {}

var intelRdtRoot

var intelRdtRootErr

var rootOnce

const defaultResctrlMountpoint

// Root returns the Intel RDT "resource control" filesystem mount point.
func Root() (string, error) {}

// Gets a single uint64 value from the specified file.
func getIntelRdtParamUint(path, file string) (uint64, error) {}

// Gets a string value from the specified file
func getIntelRdtParamString(path, file string) (string, error) {}

func writeFile(dir, file, data string) error {}

// Get the read-only L3 cache information
func getL3CacheInfo() (*L3CacheInfo, error) {}

// Get the read-only memory bandwidth information
func getMemBwInfo() (*MemBwInfo, error) {}

// Get diagnostics for last filesystem operation error from file info/last_cmd_status
func getLastCmdStatus() (string, error) {}

// WriteIntelRdtTasks writes the specified pid into the "tasks" file
func WriteIntelRdtTasks(dir string, pid int) error {}

// Check if Intel RDT/CAT is enabled
func IsCATEnabled() bool {}

// Check if Intel RDT/MBA is enabled
func IsMBAEnabled() bool {}

// Get the path of the clos group in "resource control" filesystem that the container belongs to
func (m *Manager) getIntelRdtPath() (string, error) {}

// Applies Intel RDT configuration to the process with the specified pid
func (m *Manager) Apply(pid int) (err error) {}

// Destroys the Intel RDT container-specific 'container_id' group
func (m *Manager) Destroy() error {}

// Returns Intel RDT path to save in a state file and to be able to
// restore the object later
func (m *Manager) GetPath() string {}

// Returns statistics for Intel RDT
func (m *Manager) GetStats() (*Stats, error) {}

// Set Intel RDT "resource control" filesystem as configured.
func (m *Manager) Set(container *configs.Config) error {}

func newLastCmdError(err error) error {}