
const minSensLen

const contextFile

const selinuxDir

const selinuxUsersDir

const defaultContexts

const selinuxConfig

const selinuxfsMount

const selinuxTypeTag

const selinuxTag

const xattrNameSelinux

type selinuxState

type level

type mlsRange

type defaultSECtx

type levelItem

const sensitivity

const category

var readOnlyFileLabel

var state

var attrPathOnce

var haveThreadSelf

var policyRootOnce

var policyRootVal

var loadLabelsOnce

var labels

func policyRoot() string {}

func (s *selinuxState) setEnable(enabled bool) bool {}

func (s *selinuxState) getEnabled() bool {}

// setDisabled disables SELinux support for the package
func setDisabled() {}

func verifySELinuxfsMount(mnt string) bool {}

func findSELinuxfs() string {}

// findSELinuxfsMount returns a next selinuxfs mount point found,
// if there is one, or an empty string in case of EOF or error.
func findSELinuxfsMount(s *bufio.Scanner) string {}

func (s *selinuxState) getSELinuxfs() string {}

// getSelinuxMountPoint returns the path to the mountpoint of an selinuxfs
// filesystem or an empty string if no mountpoint is found.  Selinuxfs is
// a proc-like pseudo-filesystem that exposes the SELinux policy API to
// processes.  The existence of an selinuxfs mount is used to determine
// whether SELinux is currently enabled or not.
func getSelinuxMountPoint() string {}

// getEnabled returns whether SELinux is currently enabled.
func getEnabled() bool {}

func readConfig(target string) string {}

func isProcHandle(fh *os.File) error {}

func readCon(fpath string) (string, error) {}

func readConFd(in *os.File) (string, error) {}

// classIndex returns the int index for an object class in the loaded policy,
// or -1 and an error
func classIndex(class string) (int, error) {}

// lSetFileLabel sets the SELinux label for this path, not following symlinks,
// or returns an error.
func lSetFileLabel(fpath string, label string) error {}

// setFileLabel sets the SELinux label for this path, following symlinks,
// or returns an error.
func setFileLabel(fpath string, label string) error {}

// fileLabel returns the SELinux label for this path, following symlinks,
// or returns an error.
func fileLabel(fpath string) (string, error) {}

// lFileLabel returns the SELinux label for this path, not following symlinks,
// or returns an error.
func lFileLabel(fpath string) (string, error) {}

func setFSCreateLabel(label string) error {}

// fsCreateLabel returns the default label the kernel which the kernel is using
// for file system objects created by this task. "" indicates default.
func fsCreateLabel() (string, error) {}

// currentLabel returns the SELinux label of the current process thread, or an error.
func currentLabel() (string, error) {}

// pidLabel returns the SELinux label of the given pid, or an error.
func pidLabel(pid int) (string, error) {}

// ExecLabel returns the SELinux label that the kernel will use for any programs
// that are executed by the current process thread, or an error.
func execLabel() (string, error) {}

func writeCon(fpath, val string) error {}

func attrPath(attr string) string {}

// canonicalizeContext takes a context string and writes it to the kernel
// the function then returns the context that the kernel will use. Use this
// function to check if two contexts are equivalent
func canonicalizeContext(val string) (string, error) {}

// computeCreateContext requests the type transition from source to target for
// class from the kernel.
func computeCreateContext(source string, target string, class string) (string, error) {}

// catsToBitset stores categories in a bitset.
func catsToBitset(cats string) (*big.Int, error) {}

// parseLevelItem parses and verifies that a sensitivity or category are valid
func parseLevelItem(s string, sep levelItem) (uint, error) {}

// parseLevel fills a level from a string that contains
// a sensitivity and categories
func (l *level) parseLevel(levelStr string) error {}

// rangeStrToMLSRange marshals a string representation of a range.
func rangeStrToMLSRange(rangeStr string) (*mlsRange, error) {}

// bitsetToStr takes a category bitset and returns it in the
// canonical selinux syntax
func bitsetToStr(c *big.Int) string {}

func (l *level) equal(l2 *level) bool {}

// String returns an mlsRange as a string.
func (m mlsRange) String() string {}

func max(a, b uint) uint {}

func min(a, b uint) uint {}

// calculateGlbLub computes the glb (greatest lower bound) and lub (least upper bound)
// of a source and target range.
// The glblub is calculated as the greater of the low sensitivities and
// the lower of the high sensitivities and the and of each category bitset.
func calculateGlbLub(sourceRange, targetRange string) (string, error) {}

func readWriteCon(fpath string, val string) (string, error) {}

// peerLabel retrieves the label of the client on the other side of a socket
func peerLabel(fd uintptr) (string, error) {}

// setKeyLabel takes a process label and tells the kernel to assign the
// label to the next kernel keyring that gets created
func setKeyLabel(label string) error {}

// get returns the Context as a string
func (c Context) get() string {}

// newContext creates a new Context struct from the specified label
func newContext(label string) (Context, error) {}

// clearLabels clears all reserved labels
func clearLabels() {}

// reserveLabel reserves the MLS/MCS level component of the specified label
func reserveLabel(label string) {}

func selinuxEnforcePath() string {}

// isMLSEnabled checks if MLS is enabled.
func isMLSEnabled() bool {}

// enforceMode returns the current SELinux mode Enforcing, Permissive, Disabled
func enforceMode() int {}

// setEnforceMode sets the current SELinux mode Enforcing, Permissive.
// Disabled is not valid, since this needs to be set at boot time.
func setEnforceMode(mode int) error {}

// defaultEnforceMode returns the systems default SELinux mode Enforcing,
// Permissive or Disabled. Note this is just the default at boot time.
// EnforceMode tells you the systems current mode.
func defaultEnforceMode() int {}

func mcsAdd(mcs string) error {}

func mcsDelete(mcs string) {}

func intToMcs(id int, catRange uint32) string {}

func uniqMcs(catRange uint32) string {}

// releaseLabel un-reserves the MLS/MCS Level field of the specified label,
// allowing it to be used by another process.
func releaseLabel(label string) {}

// roFileLabel returns the specified SELinux readonly file label
func roFileLabel() string {}

func openContextFile() (*os.File, error) {}

func loadLabels() {}

func label(key string) string {}

// kvmContainerLabels returns the default processLabel and mountLabel to be used
// for kvm containers by the calling process.
func kvmContainerLabels() (string, string) {}

// initContainerLabels returns the default processLabel and file labels to be
// used for containers running an init system like systemd by the calling process.
func initContainerLabels() (string, string) {}

// containerLabels returns an allocated processLabel and fileLabel to be used for
// container labeling by the calling process.
func containerLabels() (processLabel string, fileLabel string) {}

func addMcs(processLabel, fileLabel string) (string, string) {}

// securityCheckContext validates that the SELinux label is understood by the kernel
func securityCheckContext(val string) error {}

// copyLevel returns a label with the MLS/MCS level from src label replaced on
// the dest label.
func copyLevel(src, dest string) (string, error) {}

// chcon changes the fpath file object to the SELinux label.
// If fpath is a directory and recurse is true, then chcon walks the
// directory tree setting the label.
func chcon(fpath string, label string, recurse bool) error {}

func rchcon(fpath, label string) error {}

// dupSecOpt takes an SELinux process label and returns security options that
// can be used to set the SELinux Type and Level for future container processes.
func dupSecOpt(src string) ([]string, error) {}

// findUserInContext scans the reader for a valid SELinux context
// match that is verified with the verifier. Invalid contexts are
// skipped. It returns a matched context or an empty string if no
// match is found. If a scanner error occurs, it is returned.
func findUserInContext(context Context, r io.Reader, verifier func(string) error) (string, error) {}

func getDefaultContextFromReaders(c *defaultSECtx) (string, error) {}

func getDefaultContextWithLevel(user, level, scon string) (string, error) {}