
// AddrAdd will add an IP address to a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr add $addr dev $link`
// If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it
// will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func AddrAdd(link Link, addr *Addr) error {}

// AddrAdd will add an IP address to a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr add $addr dev $link`
// If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it
// will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func (h *Handle) AddrAdd(link Link, addr *Addr) error {}

// AddrReplace will replace (or, if not present, add) an IP address on a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr replace $addr dev $link`
// If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it
// will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func AddrReplace(link Link, addr *Addr) error {}

// AddrReplace will replace (or, if not present, add) an IP address on a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr replace $addr dev $link`
// If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it
// will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func (h *Handle) AddrReplace(link Link, addr *Addr) error {}

// AddrDel will delete an IP address from a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr del $addr dev $link`
// If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it
// will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func AddrDel(link Link, addr *Addr) error {}

// AddrDel will delete an IP address from a link device.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr del $addr dev $link`
// If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it
// will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func (h *Handle) AddrDel(link Link, addr *Addr) error {}

func (h *Handle) addrHandle(link Link, addr *Addr, req *nl.NetlinkRequest) error {}

// AddrList gets a list of IP addresses in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr show`.
// The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func AddrList(link Link, family int) ([]Addr, error) {}

// AddrList gets a list of IP addresses in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip addr show`.
// The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func (h *Handle) AddrList(link Link, family int) ([]Addr, error) {}

func parseAddr(m []byte) (addr Addr, family int, err error) {}

type AddrUpdate

// AddrSubscribe takes a chan down which notifications will be sent
// when addresses change.  Close the 'done' chan to stop subscription.
func AddrSubscribe(ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}

// AddrSubscribeAt works like AddrSubscribe plus it allows the caller
// to choose the network namespace in which to subscribe (ns).
func AddrSubscribeAt(ns netns.NsHandle, ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}

type AddrSubscribeOptions

// AddrSubscribeWithOptions work like AddrSubscribe but enable to
// provide additional options to modify the behavior. Currently, the
// namespace can be provided as well as an error callback.
func AddrSubscribeWithOptions(ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}

func addrSubscribeAt(newNs, curNs netns.NsHandle, ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}