
type tcStats

// NewHtbClass NOTE: function is in here because it uses other linux functions
func NewHtbClass(attrs ClassAttrs, cattrs HtbClassAttrs) *HtbClass {}

// ClassDel will delete a class from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class del $class`
func ClassDel(class Class) error {}

// ClassDel will delete a class from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class del $class`
func (h *Handle) ClassDel(class Class) error {}

// ClassChange will change a class in place
// Equivalent to: `tc class change $class`
// The parent and handle MUST NOT be changed.
func ClassChange(class Class) error {}

// ClassChange will change a class in place
// Equivalent to: `tc class change $class`
// The parent and handle MUST NOT be changed.
func (h *Handle) ClassChange(class Class) error {}

// ClassReplace will replace a class to the system.
// quivalent to: `tc class replace $class`
// The handle MAY be changed.
// If a class already exist with this parent/handle pair, the class is changed.
// If a class does not already exist with this parent/handle, a new class is created.
func ClassReplace(class Class) error {}

// ClassReplace will replace a class to the system.
// quivalent to: `tc class replace $class`
// The handle MAY be changed.
// If a class already exist with this parent/handle pair, the class is changed.
// If a class does not already exist with this parent/handle, a new class is created.
func (h *Handle) ClassReplace(class Class) error {}

// ClassAdd will add a class to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class add $class`
func ClassAdd(class Class) error {}

// ClassAdd will add a class to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class add $class`
func (h *Handle) ClassAdd(class Class) error {}

func (h *Handle) classModify(cmd, flags int, class Class) error {}

func classPayload(req *nl.NetlinkRequest, class Class) error {}

// ClassList gets a list of classes in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class show`.
// Generally returns nothing if link and parent are not specified.
func ClassList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Class, error) {}

// ClassList gets a list of classes in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class show`.
// Generally returns nothing if link and parent are not specified.
func (h *Handle) ClassList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Class, error) {}

func parseHtbClassData(class Class, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func parseHfscClassData(class Class, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func parseTcStats(data []byte) (*ClassStatistics, error) {}

func parseGnetStats(data []byte, gnetStats interface{}

func parseTcStats2(data []byte) (*ClassStatistics, error) {}