
type ConntrackTableType

const ConntrackTable

const ConntrackExpectTable

const seekCurrent

type InetFamily

// ConntrackTableList returns the flow list of a table of a specific family
// conntrack -L [table] [options]          List conntrack or expectation table
func ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error) {}

// ConntrackTableFlush flushes all the flows of a specified table
// conntrack -F [table]            Flush table
// The flush operation applies to all the family types
func ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error {}

// ConntrackCreate creates a new conntrack flow in the desired table
// conntrack -I [table]		Create a conntrack or expectation
func ConntrackCreate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {}

// ConntrackUpdate updates an existing conntrack flow in the desired table using the handle
// conntrack -U [table]		Update a conntrack
func ConntrackUpdate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {}

// ConntrackDeleteFilter deletes entries on the specified table on the base of the filter
// conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
// Deprecated: use [ConntrackDeleteFilters] instead.
func ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {}

// ConntrackDeleteFilters deletes entries on the specified table matching any of the specified filters
// conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
func ConntrackDeleteFilters(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filters ...CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {}

// ConntrackTableList returns the flow list of a table of a specific family using the netlink handle passed
// conntrack -L [table] [options]          List conntrack or expectation table
func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error) {}

// ConntrackTableFlush flushes all the flows of a specified table using the netlink handle passed
// conntrack -F [table]            Flush table
// The flush operation applies to all the family types
func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error {}

// ConntrackCreate creates a new conntrack flow in the desired table using the handle
// conntrack -I [table]		Create a conntrack or expectation
func (h *Handle) ConntrackCreate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {}

// ConntrackUpdate updates an existing conntrack flow in the desired table using the handle
// conntrack -U [table]		Update a conntrack
func (h *Handle) ConntrackUpdate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {}

// ConntrackDeleteFilter deletes entries on the specified table on the base of the filter using the netlink handle passed
// conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
// Deprecated: use [Handle.ConntrackDeleteFilters] instead.
func (h *Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {}

// ConntrackDeleteFilters deletes entries on the specified table matching any of the specified filters using the netlink handle passed
// conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
func (h *Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilters(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filters ...CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {}

func (h *Handle) newConntrackRequest(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, operation, flags int) *nl.NetlinkRequest {}

func (h *Handle) dumpConntrackTable(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([][]byte, error) {}

type ProtoInfo

type ProtoInfoTCP

// Protocol returns "tcp".
func (*ProtoInfoTCP) Protocol() string {}

func (p *ProtoInfoTCP) toNlData() ([]*nl.RtAttr, error) {}

type ProtoInfoSCTP

// Protocol returns "sctp".
func (*ProtoInfoSCTP) Protocol() string {}

type ProtoInfoDCCP

// Protocol returns "dccp".
func (*ProtoInfoDCCP) Protocol() string {}

type IPTuple

// toNlData generates the inner fields of a nested tuple netlink datastructure
// does not generate the "nested"-flagged outer message.
func (t *IPTuple) toNlData(family uint8) ([]*nl.RtAttr, error) {}

type ConntrackFlow

func (s *ConntrackFlow) String() string {}

// toNlData generates netlink messages representing the flow.
func (s *ConntrackFlow) toNlData() ([]*nl.RtAttr, error) {}

// This method parse the ip tuple structure
// The message structure is the following:
// <len, [CTA_IP_V4_SRC|CTA_IP_V6_SRC], 16 bytes for the IP>
// <len, [CTA_IP_V4_DST|CTA_IP_V6_DST], 16 bytes for the IP>
// <len, NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_PROTO, 1 byte for the protocol, 3 bytes of padding>
// <len, CTA_PROTO_SRC_PORT, 2 bytes for the source port, 2 bytes of padding>
// <len, CTA_PROTO_DST_PORT, 2 bytes for the source port, 2 bytes of padding>
func parseIpTuple(reader *bytes.Reader, tpl *IPTuple) uint8 {}

func parseNfAttrTLV(r *bytes.Reader) (isNested bool, attrType, len uint16, value []byte) {}

func parseNfAttrTL(r *bytes.Reader) (isNested bool, attrType, len uint16) {}

// skipNfAttrValue seeks `r` past attr of length `len`.
// Maintains buffer alignment.
// Returns length of the seek performed.
func skipNfAttrValue(r *bytes.Reader, len uint16) uint16 {}

func parseBERaw16(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint16) {}

func parseBERaw32(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint32) {}

func parseBERaw64(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint64) {}

func parseRaw32(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint32) {}

func parseByteAndPacketCounters(r *bytes.Reader) (bytes, packets uint64) {}

// when the flow is alive, only the timestamp_start is returned in structure
func parseTimeStamp(r *bytes.Reader, readSize uint16) (tstart, tstop uint64) {}

func parseProtoInfoTCPState(r *bytes.Reader) (s uint8) {}

// parseProtoInfoTCP reads the entire nested protoinfo structure, but only parses the state attr.
func parseProtoInfoTCP(r *bytes.Reader, attrLen uint16) (*ProtoInfoTCP) {}

func parseProtoInfo(r *bytes.Reader, attrLen uint16) (p ProtoInfo) {}

func parseTimeOut(r *bytes.Reader) (ttimeout uint32) {}

func parseConnectionMark(r *bytes.Reader) (mark uint32) {}

func parseConnectionLabels(r *bytes.Reader) (label []byte) {}

func parseConnectionZone(r *bytes.Reader) (zone uint16) {}

func parseRawData(data []byte) *ConntrackFlow {}

type ConntrackFilterType

const ConntrackOrigSrcIP

const ConntrackOrigDstIP

const ConntrackReplySrcIP

const ConntrackReplyDstIP

const ConntrackReplyAnyIP

const ConntrackOrigSrcPort

const ConntrackOrigDstPort

const ConntrackMatchLabels

const ConntrackUnmatchLabels

const ConntrackNatSrcIP

const ConntrackNatDstIP

const ConntrackNatAnyIP

type CustomConntrackFilter

type ConntrackFilter

// AddIPNet adds a IP subnet to the conntrack filter
func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddIPNet(tp ConntrackFilterType, ipNet *net.IPNet) error {}

// AddIP adds an IP to the conntrack filter
func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddIP(tp ConntrackFilterType, ip net.IP) error {}

// AddPort adds a Port to the conntrack filter if the Layer 4 protocol allows it
func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddPort(tp ConntrackFilterType, port uint16) error {}

// AddProtocol adds the Layer 4 protocol to the conntrack filter
func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddProtocol(proto uint8) error {}

// AddLabels adds the provided list (zero or more) of labels to the conntrack filter
// ConntrackFilterType here can be either:
//  1. ConntrackMatchLabels: This matches every flow that has a label value (len(flow.Labels) > 0)
//     against the list of provided labels. If `flow.Labels` contains ALL the provided labels
//     it is considered a match. This can be used when you want to match flows that contain
//     one or more labels.
//  2. ConntrackUnmatchLabels:  This matches every flow that has a label value (len(flow.Labels) > 0)
//     against the list of provided labels. If `flow.Labels` does NOT contain ALL the provided labels
//     it is considered a match. This can be used when you want to match flows that don't contain
//     one or more labels.
func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddLabels(tp ConntrackFilterType, labels [][]byte) error {}

// AddZone adds a zone to the conntrack filter
func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddZone(zone uint16) error {}

// MatchConntrackFlow applies the filter to the flow and returns true if the flow matches the filter
// false otherwise
func (f *ConntrackFilter) MatchConntrackFlow(flow *ConntrackFlow) bool {}

var _