
type DevlinkDevEswitchAttr

type DevlinkDevAttrs

type DevlinkDevice

type DevlinkPortFn

type DevlinkPortFnSetAttrs

type DevlinkPort

type DevLinkPortAddAttrs

type DevlinkDeviceInfo

type DevlinkResource

// parseAttributes parses provided Netlink Attributes and populates DevlinkResource, returns error if occured
func (dlr *DevlinkResource) parseAttributes(attrs map[uint16]syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

type DevlinkResources

// parseAttributes parses provided Netlink Attributes and populates DevlinkResources, returns error if occured
func (dlrs *DevlinkResources) parseAttributes(attrs map[uint16]syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

type DevlinkParam

type DevlinkParamValue

// parseAttributes parses provided Netlink Attributes and populates DevlinkParam, returns error if occured
func (dlp *DevlinkParam) parseAttributes(attrs []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func (dlpv *DevlinkParamValue) parseAttributes(attrs []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr, paramType uint8) error {}

func parseDevLinkDeviceList(msgs [][]byte) ([]*DevlinkDevice, error) {}

func eswitchStringToMode(modeName string) (uint16, error) {}

func parseEswitchMode(mode uint16) string {}

func parseEswitchInlineMode(inlinemode uint8) string {}

func parseEswitchEncapMode(encapmode uint8) string {}

func (d *DevlinkDevice) parseAttributes(attrs []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func (dev *DevlinkDevice) parseEswitchAttrs(msgs [][]byte) {}

func (h *Handle) getEswitchAttrs(family *GenlFamily, dev *DevlinkDevice) {}

// DevLinkGetDeviceList provides a pointer to devlink devices and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func (h *Handle) DevLinkGetDeviceList() ([]*DevlinkDevice, error) {}

// DevLinkGetDeviceList provides a pointer to devlink devices and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func DevLinkGetDeviceList() ([]*DevlinkDevice, error) {}

func parseDevlinkDevice(msgs [][]byte) (*DevlinkDevice, error) {}

func (h *Handle) createCmdReq(cmd uint8, bus string, device string) (*GenlFamily, *nl.NetlinkRequest, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceByName provides a pointer to devlink device and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func (h *Handle) DevLinkGetDeviceByName(Bus string, Device string) (*DevlinkDevice, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceByName provides a pointer to devlink device and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func DevLinkGetDeviceByName(Bus string, Device string) (*DevlinkDevice, error) {}

// DevLinkSetEswitchMode sets eswitch mode if able to set successfully or
// returns an error code.
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev eswitch set $dev mode switchdev`
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev eswitch set $dev mode legacy`
func (h *Handle) DevLinkSetEswitchMode(Dev *DevlinkDevice, NewMode string) error {}

// DevLinkSetEswitchMode sets eswitch mode if able to set successfully or
// returns an error code.
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev eswitch set $dev mode switchdev`
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev eswitch set $dev mode legacy`
func DevLinkSetEswitchMode(Dev *DevlinkDevice, NewMode string) error {}

func (port *DevlinkPort) parseAttributes(attrs []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func parseDevLinkAllPortList(msgs [][]byte) ([]*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevLinkGetPortList provides a pointer to devlink ports and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func (h *Handle) DevLinkGetAllPortList() ([]*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevLinkGetPortList provides a pointer to devlink ports and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func DevLinkGetAllPortList() ([]*DevlinkPort, error) {}

func parseDevlinkPortMsg(msgs [][]byte) (*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevLinkGetPortByIndexprovides a pointer to devlink device and nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func (h *Handle) DevLinkGetPortByIndex(Bus string, Device string, PortIndex uint32) (*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceResources returns devlink device resources
func DevlinkGetDeviceResources(bus string, device string) (*DevlinkResources, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceResources returns devlink device resources
func (h *Handle) DevlinkGetDeviceResources(bus string, device string) (*DevlinkResources, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceParams returns parameters for devlink device
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev param show <bus>/<device>`
func (h *Handle) DevlinkGetDeviceParams(bus string, device string) ([]*DevlinkParam, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceParams returns parameters for devlink device
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev param show <bus>/<device>`
func DevlinkGetDeviceParams(bus string, device string) ([]*DevlinkParam, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceParamByName returns specific parameter for devlink device
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev param show <bus>/<device> name <param>`
func (h *Handle) DevlinkGetDeviceParamByName(bus string, device string, param string) (*DevlinkParam, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceParamByName returns specific parameter for devlink device
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev param show <bus>/<device> name <param>`
func DevlinkGetDeviceParamByName(bus string, device string, param string) (*DevlinkParam, error) {}

// DevlinkSetDeviceParam set specific parameter for devlink device
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev param set <bus>/<device> name <param> cmode <cmode> value <value>`
// cmode argument should contain valid cmode value as uint8, modes are define in nl.DEVLINK_PARAM_CMODE_* constants
// value argument should have one of the following types: uint8, uint16, uint32, string, bool
func (h *Handle) DevlinkSetDeviceParam(bus string, device string, param string, cmode uint8, value interface{}

// DevlinkSetDeviceParam set specific parameter for devlink device
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev param set <bus>/<device> name <param> cmode <cmode> value <value>`
// cmode argument should contain valid cmode value as uint8, modes are define in nl.DEVLINK_PARAM_CMODE_* constants
// value argument should have one of the following types: uint8, uint16, uint32, string, bool
func DevlinkSetDeviceParam(bus string, device string, param string, cmode uint8, value interface{}

// DevLinkGetPortByIndex provides a pointer to devlink portand nil error,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func DevLinkGetPortByIndex(Bus string, Device string, PortIndex uint32) (*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevLinkPortAdd adds a devlink port and returns a port on success
// otherwise returns nil port and an error code.
func (h *Handle) DevLinkPortAdd(Bus string, Device string, Flavour uint16, Attrs DevLinkPortAddAttrs) (*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevLinkPortAdd adds a devlink port and returns a port on success
// otherwise returns nil port and an error code.
func DevLinkPortAdd(Bus string, Device string, Flavour uint16, Attrs DevLinkPortAddAttrs) (*DevlinkPort, error) {}

// DevLinkPortDel deletes a devlink port and returns success or error code.
func (h *Handle) DevLinkPortDel(Bus string, Device string, PortIndex uint32) error {}

// DevLinkPortDel deletes a devlink port and returns success or error code.
func DevLinkPortDel(Bus string, Device string, PortIndex uint32) error {}

// DevlinkPortFnSet sets one or more port function attributes specified by the attribute mask.
// It returns 0 on success or error code.
func (h *Handle) DevlinkPortFnSet(Bus string, Device string, PortIndex uint32, FnAttrs DevlinkPortFnSetAttrs) error {}

// DevlinkPortFnSet sets one or more port function attributes specified by the attribute mask.
// It returns 0 on success or error code.
func DevlinkPortFnSet(Bus string, Device string, PortIndex uint32, FnAttrs DevlinkPortFnSetAttrs) error {}

type devlinkInfoGetter

// DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByName returns devlink info for selected device,
// otherwise returns an error code.
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev info $dev`
func (h *Handle) DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByName(Bus string, Device string, getInfoMsg devlinkInfoGetter) (*DevlinkDeviceInfo, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByName returns devlink info for selected device,
// otherwise returns an error code.
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev info $dev`
func DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByName(Bus string, Device string) (*DevlinkDeviceInfo, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByNameAsMap returns devlink info for selected device as a map,
// otherwise returns an error code.
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev info $dev`
func (h *Handle) DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByNameAsMap(Bus string, Device string, getInfoMsg devlinkInfoGetter) (map[string]string, error) {}

// DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByNameAsMap returns devlink info for selected device as a map,
// otherwise returns an error code.
// Equivalent to: `devlink dev info $dev`
func DevlinkGetDeviceInfoByNameAsMap(Bus string, Device string) (map[string]string, error) {}

// GetDevlinkInfo returns devlink info for target device,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func (d *DevlinkDevice) GetDevlinkInfo() (*DevlinkDeviceInfo, error) {}

// GetDevlinkInfoAsMap returns devlink info for target device as a map,
// otherwise returns an error code.
func (d *DevlinkDevice) GetDevlinkInfoAsMap() (map[string]string, error) {}

func (h *Handle) getDevlinkInfoMsg(bus, device string) ([]byte, error) {}

func parseInfoMsg(msg []byte) (map[string]string, error) {}

func collectInfoData(msg []byte, data map[string]string) error {}

func getNestedInfoData(msg []byte) (string, string, error) {}

func parseInfoData(data map[string]string) *DevlinkDeviceInfo {}

func parseInfoValue(value []byte) string {}