

const TC_U32_OFFSET


const TC_U32_EAT

type TcU32Sel

type TcU32Key

type U32

func (filter *U32) Attrs() *FilterAttrs {}

func (filter *U32) Type() string {}

type Flower

func (filter *Flower) Attrs() *FilterAttrs {}

func (filter *Flower) Type() string {}

func (filter *Flower) encodeIP(parent *nl.RtAttr, ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask, v4Type, v6Type int, v4MaskType, v6MaskType int) {}

func (filter *Flower) encode(parent *nl.RtAttr) error {}

func (filter *Flower) decode(data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

// FilterDel will delete a filter from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter del $filter`
func FilterDel(filter Filter) error {}

// FilterDel will delete a filter from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter del $filter`
func (h *Handle) FilterDel(filter Filter) error {}

// FilterAdd will add a filter to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter add $filter`
func FilterAdd(filter Filter) error {}

// FilterAdd will add a filter to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter add $filter`
func (h *Handle) FilterAdd(filter Filter) error {}

// FilterReplace will replace a filter.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter replace $filter`
func FilterReplace(filter Filter) error {}

// FilterReplace will replace a filter.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter replace $filter`
func (h *Handle) FilterReplace(filter Filter) error {}

func (h *Handle) filterModify(filter Filter, proto, flags int) error {}

// FilterList gets a list of filters in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter show`.
// Generally returns nothing if link and parent are not specified.
func FilterList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Filter, error) {}

// FilterList gets a list of filters in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc filter show`.
// Generally returns nothing if link and parent are not specified.
func (h *Handle) FilterList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Filter, error) {}

func toTcGen(attrs *ActionAttrs, tcgen *nl.TcGen) {}

func toAttrs(tcgen *nl.TcGen, attrs *ActionAttrs) {}

func toTimeStamp(tcf *nl.Tcf) *ActionTimestamp {}

func encodePolice(attr *nl.RtAttr, action *PoliceAction) error {}

func EncodeActions(attr *nl.RtAttr, actions []Action) error {}

func parsePolice(data syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr, police *PoliceAction) {}

func parseActions(tables []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) ([]Action, error) {}

func parseU32Data(filter Filter, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func parseFwData(filter Filter, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func parseBpfData(filter Filter, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func parseMatchAllData(filter Filter, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func parseFlowerData(filter Filter, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {}

func AlignToAtm(size uint) uint {}

func AdjustSize(sz uint, mpu uint, linklayer int) uint {}

func CalcRtable(rate *nl.TcRateSpec, rtab []uint32, cellLog int, mtu uint32, linklayer int) int {}

func DeserializeRtab(b []byte) [256]uint32 {}

func SerializeRtab(rtab [256]uint32) []byte {}