
type IPSetEntry

type IPSetResult

type IpsetCreateOptions

// IpsetProtocol returns the ipset protocol version from the kernel
func IpsetProtocol() (uint8, uint8, error) {}

// IpsetCreate creates a new ipset
func IpsetCreate(setname, typename string, options IpsetCreateOptions) error {}

// IpsetDestroy destroys an existing ipset
func IpsetDestroy(setname string) error {}

// IpsetFlush flushes an existing ipset
func IpsetFlush(setname string) error {}

// IpsetSwap swaps two ipsets.
func IpsetSwap(setname, othersetname string) error {}

// IpsetList dumps an specific ipset.
func IpsetList(setname string) (*IPSetResult, error) {}

// IpsetListAll dumps all ipsets.
func IpsetListAll() ([]IPSetResult, error) {}

// IpsetAdd adds an entry to an existing ipset.
func IpsetAdd(setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) error {}

// IpsetDel deletes an entry from an existing ipset.
func IpsetDel(setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) error {}

// IpsetTest tests whether an entry is in a set or not.
func IpsetTest(setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) (bool, error) {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetProtocol() (protocol uint8, minVersion uint8, err error) {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetCreate(setname, typename string, options IpsetCreateOptions) error {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetDestroy(setname string) error {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetFlush(setname string) error {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetSwap(setname, othersetname string) error {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetList(name string) (*IPSetResult, error) {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetListAll() ([]IPSetResult, error) {}

// IpsetAdd adds an entry to an existing ipset.
func (h *Handle) IpsetAdd(setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) error {}

// IpsetDel deletes an entry from an existing ipset.
func (h *Handle) IpsetDel(setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) error {}

func encodeIP(ip net.IP) (*nl.RtAttr, error) {}

func buildEntryData(entry *IPSetEntry) (*nl.RtAttr, error) {}

func (h *Handle) ipsetAddDel(nlCmd int, setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) error {}

func (h *Handle) IpsetTest(setname string, entry *IPSetEntry) (bool, error) {}

func (h *Handle) newIpsetRequest(cmd int) *nl.NetlinkRequest {}

func getIpsetDefaultWithTypeName(typename string) uint8 {}

func ipsetExecute(req *nl.NetlinkRequest) (msgs [][]byte, err error) {}

func ipsetUnserialize(msgs [][]byte) (result IPSetResult) {}

func (result *IPSetResult) unserialize(msg []byte) {}

func (result *IPSetResult) parseAttrData(data []byte) {}

func (result *IPSetResult) parseAttrADT(data []byte) {}

func parseIPSetEntry(data []byte) (entry IPSetEntry) {}