
// NOTE function is here because it uses other linux functions
func NewNetem(attrs QdiscAttrs, nattrs NetemQdiscAttrs) *Netem {}

// QdiscDel will delete a qdisc from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc del $qdisc`
func QdiscDel(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscDel will delete a qdisc from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc del $qdisc`
func (h *Handle) QdiscDel(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscChange will change a qdisc in place
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc change $qdisc`
// The parent and handle MUST NOT be changed.
func QdiscChange(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscChange will change a qdisc in place
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc change $qdisc`
// The parent and handle MUST NOT be changed.
func (h *Handle) QdiscChange(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscReplace will replace a qdisc to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc replace $qdisc`
// The handle MUST change.
func QdiscReplace(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscReplace will replace a qdisc to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc replace $qdisc`
// The handle MUST change.
func (h *Handle) QdiscReplace(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscAdd will add a qdisc to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc add $qdisc`
func QdiscAdd(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscAdd will add a qdisc to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc add $qdisc`
func (h *Handle) QdiscAdd(qdisc Qdisc) error {}

func (h *Handle) qdiscModify(cmd, flags int, qdisc Qdisc) error {}

func qdiscPayload(req *nl.NetlinkRequest, qdisc Qdisc) error {}

// QdiscList gets a list of qdiscs in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc show`.
// The list can be filtered by link.
func QdiscList(link Link) ([]Qdisc, error) {}

// QdiscList gets a list of qdiscs in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc qdisc show`.
// The list can be filtered by link.
func (h *Handle) QdiscList(link Link) ([]Qdisc, error) {}

func parsePfifoFastData(qdisc Qdisc, value []byte) error {}

func parsePrioData(qdisc Qdisc, value []byte) error {}

func parseHtbData(qdisc Qdisc, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func parseFqCodelData(qdisc Qdisc, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func parseHfscData(qdisc Qdisc, data []byte) error {}

func parseFqData(qdisc Qdisc, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func parseNetemData(qdisc Qdisc, value []byte) error {}

func parseTbfData(qdisc Qdisc, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) error {}

func parseSfqData(qdisc Qdisc, value []byte) error {}


var tickInUsec

var clockFactor

var hz

var initClockMutex

func initClock() {}

func TickInUsec() float64 {}

func ClockFactor() float64 {}

func Hz() float64 {}

func time2Tick(time uint32) uint32 {}

func tick2Time(tick uint32) uint32 {}

func time2Ktime(time uint32) uint32 {}

func ktime2Time(ktime uint32) uint32 {}

func burst(rate uint64, buffer uint32) uint32 {}

func latency(rate uint64, limit, buffer uint32) float64 {}

func Xmittime(rate uint64, size uint32) uint32 {}

func Xmitsize(rate uint64, ticks uint32) uint32 {}