
type XfrmStateAlgo

func (a XfrmStateAlgo) String() string {}

type EncapType



func (e EncapType) String() string {}

type XfrmStateEncap

func (e XfrmStateEncap) String() string {}

type XfrmStateLimits

type XfrmStateStats

type XfrmReplayState

func (r XfrmReplayState) String() string {}

type XfrmState

func (sa XfrmState) String() string {}

func (sa XfrmState) Print(stats bool) string {}

func printLimit(lmt uint64) string {}

func writeStateAlgo(a *XfrmStateAlgo) []byte {}

func writeStateAlgoAuth(a *XfrmStateAlgo) []byte {}

func writeStateAlgoAead(a *XfrmStateAlgo) []byte {}

func writeMark(m *XfrmMark) []byte {}

func writeReplayEsn(replayWindow int) []byte {}

func writeReplay(r *XfrmReplayState) []byte {}

// XfrmStateAdd will add an xfrm state to the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state add $state`
func XfrmStateAdd(state *XfrmState) error {}

// XfrmStateAdd will add an xfrm state to the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state add $state`
func (h *Handle) XfrmStateAdd(state *XfrmState) error {}

// XfrmStateAllocSpi will allocate an xfrm state in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state allocspi`
func XfrmStateAllocSpi(state *XfrmState) (*XfrmState, error) {}

// XfrmStateUpdate will update an xfrm state to the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state update $state`
func XfrmStateUpdate(state *XfrmState) error {}

// XfrmStateUpdate will update an xfrm state to the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state update $state`
func (h *Handle) XfrmStateUpdate(state *XfrmState) error {}

func (h *Handle) xfrmStateAddOrUpdate(state *XfrmState, nlProto int) error {}

func (h *Handle) xfrmStateAllocSpi(state *XfrmState) (*XfrmState, error) {}

// XfrmStateDel will delete an xfrm state from the system. Note that
// the Algos are ignored when matching the state to delete.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state del $state`
func XfrmStateDel(state *XfrmState) error {}

// XfrmStateDel will delete an xfrm state from the system. Note that
// the Algos are ignored when matching the state to delete.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state del $state`
func (h *Handle) XfrmStateDel(state *XfrmState) error {}

// XfrmStateList gets a list of xfrm states in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip [-4|-6] xfrm state show`.
// The list can be filtered by ip family.
func XfrmStateList(family int) ([]XfrmState, error) {}

// XfrmStateList gets a list of xfrm states in the system.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state show`.
// The list can be filtered by ip family.
func (h *Handle) XfrmStateList(family int) ([]XfrmState, error) {}

// XfrmStateGet gets the xfrm state described by the ID, if found.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state get ID [ mark MARK [ mask MASK ] ]`.
// Only the fields which constitue the SA ID must be filled in:
// ID := [ src ADDR ] [ dst ADDR ] [ proto XFRM-PROTO ] [ spi SPI ]
// mark is optional
func XfrmStateGet(state *XfrmState) (*XfrmState, error) {}

// XfrmStateGet gets the xfrm state described by the ID, if found.
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state get ID [ mark MARK [ mask MASK ] ]`.
// Only the fields which constitue the SA ID must be filled in:
// ID := [ src ADDR ] [ dst ADDR ] [ proto XFRM-PROTO ] [ spi SPI ]
// mark is optional
func (h *Handle) XfrmStateGet(state *XfrmState) (*XfrmState, error) {}

func (h *Handle) xfrmStateGetOrDelete(state *XfrmState, nlProto int) (*XfrmState, error) {}

var familyError

func xfrmStateFromXfrmUsersaInfo(msg *nl.XfrmUsersaInfo) *XfrmState {}

func parseXfrmState(m []byte, family int) (*XfrmState, error) {}

// XfrmStateFlush will flush the xfrm state on the system.
// proto = 0 means any transformation protocols
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state flush [ proto XFRM-PROTO ]`
func XfrmStateFlush(proto Proto) error {}

// XfrmStateFlush will flush the xfrm state on the system.
// proto = 0 means any transformation protocols
// Equivalent to: `ip xfrm state flush [ proto XFRM-PROTO ]`
func (h *Handle) XfrmStateFlush(proto Proto) error {}

func limitsToLft(lmts XfrmStateLimits, lft *nl.XfrmLifetimeCfg) {}

func lftToLimits(lft *nl.XfrmLifetimeCfg, lmts *XfrmStateLimits) {}

func curToStats(cur *nl.XfrmLifetimeCur, wstats *nl.XfrmStats, stats *XfrmStateStats) {}

func xfrmUsersaInfoFromXfrmState(state *XfrmState) *nl.XfrmUsersaInfo {}