
type JointConfig

func (c JointConfig) String() string {}

// IDs returns a newly initialized map representing the set of voters present
// in the joint configuration.
func (c JointConfig) IDs() map[uint64]struct{}

// Describe returns a (multi-line) representation of the commit indexes for the
// given lookuper.
func (c JointConfig) Describe(l AckedIndexer) string {}

// CommittedIndex returns the largest committed index for the given joint
// quorum. An index is jointly committed if it is committed in both constituent
// majorities.
func (c JointConfig) CommittedIndex(l AckedIndexer) Index {}

// VoteResult takes a mapping of voters to yes/no (true/false) votes and returns
// a result indicating whether the vote is pending, lost, or won. A joint quorum
// requires both majority quorums to vote in favor.
func (c JointConfig) VoteResult(votes map[uint64]bool) VoteResult {}