
const streamTypeMessage

const streamTypeMsgAppV2

const streamBufSize

var errUnsupportedStreamType

var supportedStream

type streamType

func (t streamType) endpoint(lg *zap.Logger) string {}

func (t streamType) String() string {}

var linkHeartbeatMessage

func isLinkHeartbeatMessage(m *raftpb.Message) bool {}

type outgoingConn

type streamWriter

// startStreamWriter creates a streamWrite and starts a long running go-routine that accepts
// messages and writes to the attached outgoing connection.
func startStreamWriter(lg *zap.Logger, local, id types.ID, status *peerStatus, fs *stats.FollowerStats, r Raft) *streamWriter {}

func (cw *streamWriter) run() {}

func (cw *streamWriter) writec() (chan<- raftpb.Message, bool) {}

func (cw *streamWriter) close() bool {}

func (cw *streamWriter) closeUnlocked() bool {}

func (cw *streamWriter) attach(conn *outgoingConn) bool {}

func (cw *streamWriter) stop() {}

type streamReader

func (cr *streamReader) start() {}

func (cr *streamReader) run() {}

func (cr *streamReader) decodeLoop(rc io.ReadCloser, t streamType) error {}

func (cr *streamReader) stop() {}

func (cr *streamReader) dial(t streamType) (io.ReadCloser, error) {}

func (cr *streamReader) close() {}

func (cr *streamReader) pause() {}

func (cr *streamReader) resume() {}

// checkStreamSupport checks whether the stream type is supported in the
// given version.
func checkStreamSupport(v *semver.Version, t streamType) bool {}