
const maxNoLeaderCnt

const warnUnaryRequestLatency

const snapshotMethod

type streamsMap

func newUnaryInterceptor(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {}

func newLogUnaryInterceptor(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {}

func logUnaryRequestStats(ctx context.Context, lg *zap.Logger, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, startTime time.Time, req interface{}

func logGenericRequestStats(lg *zap.Logger, startTime time.Time, duration time.Duration, remote string, responseType string,
	reqCount int64, reqSize int, respCount int64, respSize int, reqContent string) {}

func logExpensiveRequestStats(lg *zap.Logger, startTime time.Time, duration time.Duration, remote string, responseType string,
	reqCount int64, reqSize int, respCount int64, respSize int, reqContent string) {}

func newStreamInterceptor(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor {}

type cancellableContext

func newCancellableContext(parent context.Context) *cancellableContext {}

// Cancel stores the cancellation reason and then delegates to context.WithCancel
// against the parent context.
func (c *cancellableContext) Cancel(reason error) {}

// Err will return the preserved cancel reason error if present, and will
// otherwise return the underlying error from the parent context.
func (c *cancellableContext) Err() error {}

type serverStreamWithCtx

func (ssc serverStreamWithCtx) Context() context.Context {}

func monitorLeader(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) *streamsMap {}