
const minWatchProgressInterval

type watchServer

// NewWatchServer returns a new watch server.
func NewWatchServer(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) pb.WatchServer {}

var progressReportInterval

var progressReportIntervalMu

// GetProgressReportInterval returns the current progress report interval (for testing).
func GetProgressReportInterval() time.Duration {}

// SetProgressReportInterval updates the current progress report interval (for testing).
func SetProgressReportInterval(newTimeout time.Duration) {}

const ctrlStreamBufLen

type serverWatchStream

func (ws *watchServer) Watch(stream pb.Watch_WatchServer) (err error) {}

func (sws *serverWatchStream) isWatchPermitted(wcr *pb.WatchCreateRequest) error {}

func (sws *serverWatchStream) recvLoop() error {}

func (sws *serverWatchStream) sendLoop() {}

func IsCreateEvent(e mvccpb.Event) bool {}

func sendFragments(
	wr *pb.WatchResponse,
	maxRequestBytes int,
	sendFunc func(*pb.WatchResponse) error) error {}

func (sws *serverWatchStream) close() {}

func (sws *serverWatchStream) newResponseHeader(rev int64) *pb.ResponseHeader {}

func filterNoDelete(e mvccpb.Event) bool {}

func filterNoPut(e mvccpb.Event) bool {}

// FiltersFromRequest returns "mvcc.FilterFunc" from a given watch create request.
func FiltersFromRequest(creq *pb.WatchCreateRequest) []mvcc.FilterFunc {}