
type Syncer

// SetError sets the error that the Sync method will return.
func (s *Syncer) SetError(err error) {}

// Sync records that it was called, then returns the user-supplied error (if
// any).
func (s *Syncer) Sync() error {}

// Called reports whether the Sync method was called.
func (s *Syncer) Called() bool {}

type Discarder

// Write implements io.Writer.
func (d *Discarder) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

type FailWriter

// Write implements io.Writer.
func (w FailWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

type ShortWriter

// Write implements io.Writer.
func (w ShortWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

type Buffer

// Lines returns the current buffer contents, split on newlines.
func (b *Buffer) Lines() []string {}

// Stripped returns the current buffer contents with the last trailing newline
// stripped.
func (b *Buffer) Stripped() string {}