
// NewLoggerFromConfigString reads the string and build a logger. It can be used
// to build a new logger and assign it to binarylog.Logger.
// Example filter config strings:
//   - "" Nothing will be logged
//   - "*" All headers and messages will be fully logged.
//   - "*{h}" Only headers will be logged.
//   - "*{m:256}" Only the first 256 bytes of each message will be logged.
//   - "Foo/*" Logs every method in service Foo
//   - "Foo/*,-Foo/Bar" Logs every method in service Foo except method /Foo/Bar
//   - "Foo/*,Foo/Bar{m:256}" Logs the first 256 bytes of each message in method
//     /Foo/Bar, logs all headers and messages in every other method in service
//     Foo.
// If two configs exist for one certain method or service, the one specified
// later overrides the previous config.
func NewLoggerFromConfigString(s string) Logger {}

// fillMethodLoggerWithConfigString parses config, creates TruncatingMethodLogger and adds
// it to the right map in the logger.
func (l *logger) fillMethodLoggerWithConfigString(config string) error {}

const maxUInt

const longMethodConfigRegexpStr

const optionalLengthRegexpStr

const headerConfigRegexpStr

const messageConfigRegexpStr

const headerMessageConfigRegexpStr

var longMethodConfigRegexp

var headerConfigRegexp

var messageConfigRegexp

var headerMessageConfigRegexp

// Turn "service/method{h;m}" into "service", "method", "{h;m}".
func parseMethodConfigAndSuffix(c string) (service, method, suffix string, _ error) {}

// Turn "{h:123;m:345}" into 123, 345.
// Return maxUInt if length is unspecified.
func parseHeaderMessageLengthConfig(c string) (hdrLenStr, msgLenStr uint64, err error) {}