
type Kind

const Invalid

const EOF

const Null

const Bool

const Number

const String

const Name

const ObjectOpen

const ObjectClose

const ArrayOpen

const ArrayClose

const comma

func (k Kind) String() string {}

type Token

// Kind returns the token kind.
func (t Token) Kind() Kind {}

// RawString returns the read value in string.
func (t Token) RawString() string {}

// Pos returns the token position from the input.
func (t Token) Pos() int {}

// Name returns the object name if token is Name, else it panics.
func (t Token) Name() string {}

// Bool returns the bool value if token kind is Bool, else it panics.
func (t Token) Bool() bool {}

// ParsedString returns the string value for a JSON string token or the read
// value in string if token is not a string.
func (t Token) ParsedString() string {}

// Float returns the floating-point number if token kind is Number.
// The floating-point precision is specified by the bitSize parameter: 32 for
// float32 or 64 for float64. If bitSize=32, the result still has type float64,
// but it will be convertible to float32 without changing its value. It will
// return false if the number exceeds the floating point limits for given
// bitSize.
func (t Token) Float(bitSize int) (float64, bool) {}

// Int returns the signed integer number if token is Number.
// The given bitSize specifies the integer type that the result must fit into.
// It returns false if the number is not an integer value or if the result
// exceeds the limits for given bitSize.
func (t Token) Int(bitSize int) (int64, bool) {}

// Uint returns the signed integer number if token is Number.
// The given bitSize specifies the unsigned integer type that the result must
// fit into. It returns false if the number is not an unsigned integer value
// or if the result exceeds the limits for given bitSize.
func (t Token) Uint(bitSize int) (uint64, bool) {}

func (t Token) getIntStr() (string, bool) {}

// TokenEquals returns true if given Tokens are equal, else false.
func TokenEquals(x, y Token) bool {}