
const FieldItem

const FieldTypeID

const FieldMessage

const ExtensionName

// IsMessageSet returns whether the message uses the MessageSet wire format.
func IsMessageSet(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) bool {}

// IsMessageSetExtension reports this field properly extends a MessageSet.
func IsMessageSetExtension(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool {}

// SizeField returns the size of a MessageSet item field containing an extension
// with the given field number, not counting the contents of the message subfield.
func SizeField(num protowire.Number) int {}

// Unmarshal parses a MessageSet.
// It calls fn with the type ID and value of each item in the MessageSet.
// Unknown fields are discarded.
// If wantLen is true, the item values include the varint length prefix.
// This is ugly, but simplifies the fast-path decoder in internal/impl.
func Unmarshal(b []byte, wantLen bool, fn func(typeID protowire.Number, value []byte) error) error {}

// ConsumeFieldValue parses b as a MessageSet item field value until and including
// the trailing end group marker. It assumes the start group tag has already been parsed.
// It returns the contents of the type_id and message subfields and the total
// item length.
// If wantLen is true, the returned message value includes the length prefix.
func ConsumeFieldValue(b []byte, wantLen bool) (typeid protowire.Number, message []byte, n int, err error) {}

// AppendFieldStart appends the start of a MessageSet item field containing
// an extension with the given number. The caller must add the message
// subfield (including the tag).
func AppendFieldStart(b []byte, num protowire.Number) []byte {}

// AppendFieldEnd appends the trailing end group marker for a MessageSet item field.
func AppendFieldEnd(b []byte) []byte {}

// SizeUnknown returns the size of an unknown fields section in MessageSet format.
// See AppendUnknown.
func SizeUnknown(unknown []byte) (size int) {}

// AppendUnknown appends unknown fields to b in MessageSet format.
// For historic reasons, unresolved items in a MessageSet are stored in a
// message's unknown fields section in non-MessageSet format. That is, an
// unknown item with typeID T and value V appears in the unknown fields as
// a field with number T and value V.
// This function converts the unknown fields back into MessageSet form.
func AppendUnknown(b, unknown []byte) ([]byte, error) {}