
var _

type CgroupsValidator

// Name is part of the system.Validator interface.
func (c *CgroupsValidator) Name() string {}

const cgroupsConfigPrefix

const mountsFilePath

const defaultUnifiedMountPoint

// getUnifiedMountpoint checks if the default mount point is available.
// If not, it parses the mounts file to find a valid cgroup mount point.
func getUnifiedMountpoint(path string) (string, bool, error) {}

// Validate is part of the system.Validator interface.
func (c *CgroupsValidator) Validate(spec SysSpec) (warns, errs []error) {}

// validateCgroupSubsystems returns a list with the missing cgroups in the cgroup
func (c *CgroupsValidator) validateCgroupSubsystems(cgroups, subsystems []string, required bool) []string {}

func (c *CgroupsValidator) getCgroupV1Subsystems() ([]string, error) {}

func (c *CgroupsValidator) getCgroupV2Subsystems(unifiedMountpoint string) ([]string, error, error) {}

// checkCgroupV2Freeze checks if the freezer controller is enabled in Linux kernels 5.2.
// It determines that by creating a cgroup.freeze file under the unified mountpoint location.
func checkCgroupV2Freeze(unifiedMountpoint string) (isCgroupfs bool, warn error) {}