
func parseInt(numbersOnly string) *int {}

func parseUint(numbersOnly string) *uint64 {}

// getComment parses a match for the commentGroup regexp (below). To distinguish between empty comment and no comment,
// we capture comment with double quotes.
func getComment(commentGroup string) *string {}

var commentGroup

var noSpaceGroup

var numberGroup

// Object implementation for Table
func (table *Table) validate(verb verb) error {}

func (table *Table) writeOperation(verb verb, ctx *nftContext, writer io.Writer) {}

var tableRegexp

func (table *Table) parse(line string) error {}

// Object implementation for Chain
func (chain *Chain) validate(verb verb) error {}

func (chain *Chain) writeOperation(verb verb, ctx *nftContext, writer io.Writer) {}

var chainRegexp

func (chain *Chain) parse(line string) error {}

// Object implementation for Rule
func (rule *Rule) validate(verb verb) error {}

func (rule *Rule) writeOperation(verb verb, ctx *nftContext, writer io.Writer) {}

var ruleRegexp

func (rule *Rule) parse(line string) error {}

// Object implementation for Set
func (set *Set) validate(verb verb) error {}

func (set *Set) writeOperation(verb verb, ctx *nftContext, writer io.Writer) {}

func (set *Set) parse(line string) error {}

// Object implementation for Map
func (mapObj *Map) validate(verb verb) error {}

func (mapObj *Map) writeOperation(verb verb, ctx *nftContext, writer io.Writer) {}

func (mapObj *Map) parse(line string) error {}

var autoMergeProp

var mapOrSet

var mapRegexp

var setRegexp

func parseMapAndSetProps(match []string) (name string, typeProp string, typeOf string, flags []SetFlag,
	timeout *time.Duration, gcInterval *time.Duration, size *uint64, policy *SetPolicy, comment *string, autoMerge *bool) {}

func parseSetFlags(s string) []SetFlag {}

// Object implementation for Element
func (element *Element) validate(verb verb) error {}

func (element *Element) writeOperation(verb verb, ctx *nftContext, writer io.Writer) {}

var mapElementRegexp

var setElementRegexp

func (element *Element) parse(line string) error {}