
type mergingWalker

type mergeRule

var ruleKeepRHS

// merge sets w.out.
func (w *mergingWalker) merge(prefixFn func() string) (errs ValidationErrors) {}

// doLeaf should be called on leaves before descending into children, if there
// will be a descent. It modifies w.inLeaf.
func (w *mergingWalker) doLeaf() {}

func (w *mergingWalker) doScalar(t *schema.Scalar) ValidationErrors {}

func (w *mergingWalker) prepareDescent(pe fieldpath.PathElement, tr schema.TypeRef) *mergingWalker {}

func (w *mergingWalker) finishDescent(w2 *mergingWalker) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) derefMap(prefix string, v value.Value) (value.Map, ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) visitListItems(t *schema.List, lhs, rhs value.List) (errs ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) indexListPathElements(t *schema.List, list value.List, allowDuplicates bool) ([]fieldpath.PathElement, fieldpath.PathElementValueMap, ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) mergeListItem(t *schema.List, pe fieldpath.PathElement, lChild, rChild value.Value) (out *interface{}

func (w *mergingWalker) derefList(prefix string, v value.Value) (value.List, ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) doList(t *schema.List) (errs ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) visitMapItem(t *schema.Map, out map[string]interface{}

func (w *mergingWalker) visitMapItems(t *schema.Map, lhs, rhs value.Map) (errs ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *mergingWalker) doMap(t *schema.Map) (errs ValidationErrors) {}