
type YAMLObject

type Parser

// create builds an unvalidated parser.
func create(s YAMLObject) (*Parser, error) {}

func createOrDie(schema YAMLObject) *Parser {}

var ssParser

// NewParser will build a YAMLParser from a schema. The schema is validated.
func NewParser(schema YAMLObject) (*Parser, error) {}

// TypeNames returns a list of types this parser understands.
func (p *Parser) TypeNames() (names []string) {}

// Type returns a helper which can produce objects of the given type. Any
// errors are deferred until a further function is called.
func (p *Parser) Type(name string) ParseableType {}

type ParseableType

// IsValid return true if p's schema and typename are valid.
func (p ParseableType) IsValid() bool {}

// FromYAML parses a yaml string into an object with the current schema
// and the type "typename" or an error if validation fails.
func (p ParseableType) FromYAML(object YAMLObject, opts ...ValidationOptions) (*TypedValue, error) {}

// FromUnstructured converts a go "interface{}" type, typically an
// unstructured object in Kubernetes world, to a TypedValue. It returns an
// error if the resulting object fails schema validation.
// The provided interface{} must be one of: map[string]interface{},
// map[interface{}]interface{}, []interface{}, int types, float types,
// string or boolean. Nested interface{} must also be one of these types.
func (p ParseableType) FromUnstructured(in interface{}

// FromStructured converts a go "interface{}" type, typically an structured object in
// Kubernetes, to a TypedValue. It will return an error if the resulting object fails
// schema validation. The provided "interface{}" value must be a pointer so that the
// value can be modified via reflection. The provided "interface{}" may contain structs
// and types that are converted to Values by the jsonMarshaler interface.
func (p ParseableType) FromStructured(in interface{}

var DeducedParseableType