
type removingWalker

// removeItemsWithSchema will walk the given value and look for items from the toRemove set.
// Depending on whether shouldExtract is set true or false, it will return a modified version
// of the input value with either:
// 1. only the items in the toRemove set (when shouldExtract is true) or
// 2. the items from the toRemove set removed from the value (when shouldExtract is false).
func removeItemsWithSchema(val value.Value, toRemove *fieldpath.Set, schema *schema.Schema, typeRef schema.TypeRef, shouldExtract bool) value.Value {}

func (w *removingWalker) doScalar(t *schema.Scalar) ValidationErrors {}

func (w *removingWalker) doList(t *schema.List) (errs ValidationErrors) {}

func (w *removingWalker) doMap(t *schema.Map) ValidationErrors {}