
type ValidationOptions

const AllowDuplicates

// AsTyped accepts a value and a type and returns a TypedValue. 'v' must have
// type 'typeName' in the schema. An error is returned if the v doesn't conform
// to the schema.
func AsTyped(v value.Value, s *schema.Schema, typeRef schema.TypeRef, opts ...ValidationOptions) (*TypedValue, error) {}

// AsTypeUnvalidated is just like AsTyped, but doesn't validate that the type
// conforms to the schema, for cases where that has already been checked or
// where you're going to call a method that validates as a side-effect (like
// ToFieldSet).
// Deprecated: This function was initially created because validation
// was expensive. Now that this has been solved, objects should always
// be created as validated, using `AsTyped`.
func AsTypedUnvalidated(v value.Value, s *schema.Schema, typeRef schema.TypeRef) *TypedValue {}

type TypedValue

// TypeRef is the type of the value.
func (tv TypedValue) TypeRef() schema.TypeRef {}

// AsValue removes the type from the TypedValue and only keeps the value.
func (tv TypedValue) AsValue() value.Value {}

// Schema gets the schema from the TypedValue.
func (tv TypedValue) Schema() *schema.Schema {}

// Validate returns an error with a list of every spec violation.
func (tv TypedValue) Validate(opts ...ValidationOptions) error {}

// ToFieldSet creates a set containing every leaf field and item mentioned, or
// validation errors, if any were encountered.
func (tv TypedValue) ToFieldSet() (*fieldpath.Set, error) {}

// Merge returns the result of merging tv and pso ("partially specified
// object") together. Of note:
//   - No fields can be removed by this operation.
//   - If both tv and pso specify a given leaf field, the result will keep pso's
//     value.
//   - Container typed elements will have their items ordered:
//     1. like tv, if pso doesn't change anything in the container
//     2. like pso, if pso does change something in the container.
// tv and pso must both be of the same type (their Schema and TypeRef must
// match), or an error will be returned. Validation errors will be returned if
// the objects don't conform to the schema.
func (tv TypedValue) Merge(pso *TypedValue) (*TypedValue, error) {}

var cmpwPool

// Compare compares the two objects. See the comments on the `Comparison`
// struct for details on the return value.
// tv and rhs must both be of the same type (their Schema and TypeRef must
// match), or an error will be returned. Validation errors will be returned if
// the objects don't conform to the schema.
func (tv TypedValue) Compare(rhs *TypedValue) (c *Comparison, err error) {}

// RemoveItems removes each provided list or map item from the value.
func (tv TypedValue) RemoveItems(items *fieldpath.Set) *TypedValue {}

// ExtractItems returns a value with only the provided list or map items extracted from the value.
func (tv TypedValue) ExtractItems(items *fieldpath.Set) *TypedValue {}

func (tv TypedValue) Empty() *TypedValue {}

var mwPool

func merge(lhs, rhs *TypedValue, rule, postRule mergeRule) (*TypedValue, error) {}