
type UnstructuredConverter

type TypeReflectCacheEntry

type FieldCacheEntry

func (f *FieldCacheEntry) CanOmit(fieldVal reflect.Value) bool {}

// GetFrom returns the field identified by this FieldCacheEntry from the provided struct.
func (f *FieldCacheEntry) GetFrom(structVal reflect.Value) reflect.Value {}

var marshalerType

var unmarshalerType

var unstructuredConvertableType

var defaultReflectCache

// TypeReflectEntryOf returns the TypeReflectCacheEntry of the provided reflect.Type.
func TypeReflectEntryOf(t reflect.Type) *TypeReflectCacheEntry {}

// TypeReflectEntryOf returns all updates needed to add provided reflect.Type, and the types its fields transitively
// depend on, to the cache.
func typeReflectEntryOf(cm reflectCacheMap, t reflect.Type, updates reflectCacheMap) *TypeReflectCacheEntry {}

func buildStructCacheEntry(t reflect.Type, infos map[string]*FieldCacheEntry, fieldPath [][]int) {}

// Fields returns a map of JSON field name to FieldCacheEntry for structs, or nil for non-structs.
func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) Fields() map[string]*FieldCacheEntry {}

// Fields returns a map of JSON field name to FieldCacheEntry for structs, or nil for non-structs.
func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) OrderedFields() []*FieldCacheEntry {}

// CanConvertToUnstructured returns true if this TypeReflectCacheEntry can convert values of its type to unstructured.
func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) CanConvertToUnstructured() bool {}

// ToUnstructured converts the provided value to unstructured and returns it.
func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) ToUnstructured(sv reflect.Value) (interface{}

// CanConvertFromUnstructured returns true if this TypeReflectCacheEntry can convert objects of the type from unstructured.
func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) CanConvertFromUnstructured() bool {}

// FromUnstructured converts the provided source value from unstructured into the provided destination value.
func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) FromUnstructured(sv, dv reflect.Value) error {}

var nullBytes

var trueBytes

var falseBytes

func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) getJsonMarshaler(v reflect.Value) (json.Marshaler, bool) {}

func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) getJsonUnmarshaler(v reflect.Value) (json.Unmarshaler, bool) {}

func (e TypeReflectCacheEntry) getUnstructuredConverter(v reflect.Value) (UnstructuredConverter, bool) {}

type typeReflectCache

func newReflectCache() *typeReflectCache {}

type reflectCacheMap

// get returns the reflectCacheMap.
func (c *typeReflectCache) get() reflectCacheMap {}

// update merges the provided updates into the cache.
func (c *typeReflectCache) update(updates reflectCacheMap) {}

const maxDepth

// unmarshal unmarshals the given data
// If v is a *map[string]interface{}, numbers are converted to int64 or float64
func unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}

func convertInterfaceNumbers(v *interface{}

// convertMapNumbers traverses the map, converting any json.Number values to int64 or float64.
// values which are map[string]interface{} or []interface{} are recursively visited
func convertMapNumbers(m map[string]interface{}

// convertSliceNumbers traverses the slice, converting any json.Number values to int64 or float64.
// values which are map[string]interface{} or []interface{} are recursively visited
func convertSliceNumbers(s []interface{}

// convertNumber converts a json.Number to an int64 or float64, or returns an error
func convertNumber(n json.Number) (interface{}