
type WatchdogClient

type DefaultWatchdogClient

var _

func (d *DefaultWatchdogClient) SdWatchdogEnabled(unsetEnvironment bool) (time.Duration, error) {}

func (d *DefaultWatchdogClient) SdNotify(unsetEnvironment bool) (bool, error) {}

type Option

func WithWatchdogClient(watchdog WatchdogClient) Option {}

type healthChecker

var _

const minimalNotifyInterval

// NewHealthChecker creates a new HealthChecker instance.
// This function initializes the health checker and configures its behavior based on the status of the systemd watchdog.
// If the watchdog is not enabled, the function returns an error.
func NewHealthChecker(syncLoop syncLoopHealthChecker, opts ...Option) (HealthChecker, error) {}

func (hc *healthChecker) Start() {}

func (hc *healthChecker) doCheck() error {}