
type CRConverterFactory

var converterMetricFactorySingleton

// NewCRConverterFactory creates a new CRConverterFactory
func NewCRConverterFactory(serviceResolver webhook.ServiceResolver, authResolverWrapper webhook.AuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper) (*CRConverterFactory, error) {}

// NewConverter returns a new CR converter based on the conversion settings in crd object.
func (m *CRConverterFactory) NewConverter(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition) (safe, unsafe runtime.ObjectConvertor, err error) {}

type crConverterInterface

type crConverter

func (c *crConverter) ConvertFieldLabel(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, label, value string) (string, string, error) {}

func (c *crConverter) Convert(in, out, context interface{}

// ConvertToVersion converts in object to the given gvk in place and returns the same `in` object.
// The in object can be a single object or a UnstructuredList. CRD storage implementation creates an
// UnstructuredList with the request's GV, populates it from storage, then calls conversion to convert
// the individual items. This function assumes it never gets a v1.List.
func (c *crConverter) ConvertToVersion(in runtime.Object, target runtime.GroupVersioner) (runtime.Object, error) {}

type safeConverterWrapper

var _

// ConvertFieldLabel delegate the call to the unsafe converter.
func (c *safeConverterWrapper) ConvertFieldLabel(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, label, value string) (string, string, error) {}

// Convert makes a copy of in object and then delegate the call to the unsafe converter.
func (c *safeConverterWrapper) Convert(in, out, context interface{}

// ConvertToVersion makes a copy of in object and then delegate the call to the unsafe converter.
func (c *safeConverterWrapper) ConvertToVersion(in runtime.Object, target runtime.GroupVersioner) (runtime.Object, error) {}