
type webhookConverterFactory

func newWebhookConverterFactory(serviceResolver webhook.ServiceResolver, authResolverWrapper webhook.AuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper) (*webhookConverterFactory, error) {}

type webhookConverter

func webhookClientConfigForCRD(crd *v1.CustomResourceDefinition) *webhook.ClientConfig {}

var _

func (f *webhookConverterFactory) NewWebhookConverter(crd *v1.CustomResourceDefinition) (*webhookConverter, error) {}

// getObjectsToConvert returns a list of objects requiring conversion.
// if obj is a list, getObjectsToConvert returns a (potentially empty) list of the items that are not already in the desired version.
// if obj is not a list, and is already in the desired version, getObjectsToConvert returns an empty list.
// if obj is not a list, and is not already in the desired version, getObjectsToConvert returns a list containing only obj.
func getObjectsToConvert(obj runtime.Object, apiVersion string) []runtime.RawExtension {}

// createConversionReviewObjects returns ConversionReview request and response objects for the first supported version found in conversionReviewVersions.
func createConversionReviewObjects(conversionReviewVersions []string, objects []runtime.RawExtension, apiVersion string, requestUID types.UID) (request, response runtime.Object, err error) {}

func getRawExtensionObject(rx runtime.RawExtension) (runtime.Object, error) {}

// getConvertedObjectsFromResponse validates the response, and returns the converted objects.
// if the response is malformed, an error is returned instead.
// if the response does not indicate success, the error message is returned instead.
func getConvertedObjectsFromResponse(expectedUID types.UID, response runtime.Object) (convertedObjects []runtime.RawExtension, err error) {}

func (c *webhookConverter) Convert(in runtime.Object, toGV schema.GroupVersion) (runtime.Object, error) {}

// validateConvertedObject checks that ObjectMeta fields match, with the exception of
// labels and annotations.
func validateConvertedObject(in, out *unstructured.Unstructured) error {}

// restoreObjectMeta deep-copies metadata from original into converted, while preserving labels and annotations from converted.
func restoreObjectMeta(original, converted *unstructured.Unstructured) error {}

// isEmptyUnstructuredObject returns true if in is an empty unstructured object, i.e. an unstructured object that does
// not have any field except apiVersion and kind.
func isEmptyUnstructuredObject(in runtime.Object) bool {}