
type UnstructuredObjectTyper

// NewUnstructuredObjectTyper returns a runtime.ObjectTyper for
// unstructured objects based on discovery information. It accepts a list of fallback typers
// for handling objects that are not runtime.Unstructured. It does not delegate the Recognizes
// check, only ObjectKinds.
// TODO this only works for the apiextensions server and doesn't recognize any types.  Move to point of use.
func NewUnstructuredObjectTyper() *UnstructuredObjectTyper {}

// ObjectKinds returns a slice of one element with the group,version,kind of the
// provided object, or an error if the object is not runtime.Unstructured or
// has no group,version,kind information. unversionedType will always be false
// because runtime.Unstructured object should always have group,version,kind
// information set.
func (d *UnstructuredObjectTyper) ObjectKinds(obj runtime.Object) (gvks []schema.GroupVersionKind, unversionedType bool, err error) {}

// Recognizes returns true if the provided group,version,kind was in the
// discovery information.
func (d *UnstructuredObjectTyper) Recognizes(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool {}

var _