
type EmbeddedTest

type EmbeddedTestExternal

type ObjectTest

type ObjectTestExternal

type InternalSimple

type ExternalSimple

type ExtensionA

type ExtensionB

type ExternalExtensionType

type InternalExtensionType

type ExternalOptionalExtensionType

type InternalOptionalExtensionType

type InternalComplex

type ExternalComplex

type MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField

type TestType1

type TestType2

type ExternalTestType2

type ExternalTestType1

type ExternalInternalSame

type UnversionedType

type UnknownType

func (obj *MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField) GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKind {}

func (obj *MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField) SetGroupVersionKind(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) {}

func (obj *MyWeirdCustomEmbeddedVersionKindField) GroupVersionKind() schema.GroupVersionKind {}

func (obj *TestType2) GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKind         {}

func (obj *ExternalTestType2) GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKind {}

type Unstructured

var _

func (obj *Unstructured) GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKind {}

func (obj *Unstructured) IsList() bool {}

func (obj *Unstructured) EachListItem(fn func(runtime.Object) error) error {}

func (obj *Unstructured) EachListItemWithAlloc(fn func(runtime.Object) error) error {}

func (obj *Unstructured) NewEmptyInstance() runtime.Unstructured {}

func (obj *Unstructured) UnstructuredContent() map[string]interface{}

func (obj *Unstructured) SetUnstructuredContent(content map[string]interface{}

// MarshalJSON ensures that the unstructured object produces proper
// JSON when passed to Go's standard JSON library.
func (u *Unstructured) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

// UnmarshalJSON ensures that the unstructured object properly decodes
// JSON when passed to Go's standard JSON library.
func (u *Unstructured) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {}

func (in *Unstructured) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object {}

func (in *Unstructured) DeepCopy() *Unstructured {}

func (u *Unstructured) GroupVersionKind() schema.GroupVersionKind {}

func (u *Unstructured) SetGroupVersionKind(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) {}